
Florida enlists commercial pest control firms in Zika fight

Over 100 cases of Zika have been reported in California, mostly acquired during travel outside of the state, Johnson said. The first case of Zika-related microcephaly in Puerto Rico was reported in May, which involved a dead fetus turned over to health authorities by an unidentified woman.


A worker empties stagnant water from a tire during a campaign to destroy potential hatcheries of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes that transmits the Zika virus in Villavicencio, Colombia, in February. Women who are pregnant or could become pregnant should avoid travel to Zika-affected areas, including Florida.

Anyone who has a pregnant partner and has traveled to an area known to have the Zika virus should abstain from sexual activity.

Zika is a mosquito-borne illness that presents with a fever, joint pain and rash.

Doctors at the Spallanzani Institute for Infectious Diseases in Rome said their monitoring meant the patient, who is now recovered, found the virus was still identifiable in semen 181 days after the start of his symptoms.

This story will be updated.

If you are traveling to an area with Zika, it’s important to prevent mosquito bites both overseas and when you come back home.

Zika virus is linked babies being born with small heads – a condition called microcephaly, which leads to brain damage and learning difficulties. The second new non-travel related infection was located outside that area in Miami-Dade County. Democrats balked at a Zika funding plan from Republicans that also reduced funds for Planned Parenthood and elements of the Affordable Care Act and ended a ban on flying Confederate flags in military cemeteries.

Gov. Rick Scott said Monday the department is sending in “additional commercial pest control companies to assist with local mosquito control efforts in Miami-Dade County”.

WIKIMEDIA, US DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURENearly 2,000 Americans traveling overseas have contracted Zika to date, and now, an American traveler has caught the virus within the continental U.S. An El Paso County, Texas resident contracted the virus during a visit to Miami, where 30 people so far have been infected through local spread.

The Florida DOH reported on Monday that 30 people have picked up the disease after visiting that one neighborhood.

No vaccines now exist for Zika.

Around the world, Zika has spread to more than 60 countries.


Last month, officials in Miami confirmed the first locally transmitted cases of the Zika virus.

The Aedes aegypti mosquito is behind the large outbreaks of Zika virus