
Venezuela’s opposition leader Daniel Ceballos granted house arrest

It was announced by authorities Tuesday, that her husband will be placed under house arrest, while he awaits trial for “civil rebellion”.


Ceballos, a former student leader and ex-mayor of Caracas, was arrested on charges of inciting the violence that killed 43 people and wounded hundreds as Venezuelans took to the streets in mass protests against President Nicolas Maduro’s government past year.

Though he has served his time, he still awaits trial on more serious charges of rebellion and conspiracy to commit a crime. A short video of Baduel embracing loved ones was tweeted by his daughter after he was discharged from a prison where he’s been held alongside Venezuela’s most-recognized jailed opponent, Leopoldo Lopez.

A judge agreed to transfer him from jail and put him under house arrest “for health reasons”.

Ceballos will receive thorough medical exams once he is released from his Caracas jail, said his lawyer Juan Carlos Gutierrez.

Ceballos, hours after being reunited with his family, shouted a statement to the press from a second floor window of a relative’s apartment in an upscale part of Caracas, saying his surprise release represented a hopeful sign “that all political prisoners might be reunited with their families”.

Venezuelan authorities removed Ceballos as mayor of the western city of San Cristobal during anti-government protests a year ago.

U.S. officials have pressed Venezuela to release the jailed politicians during quiet high-level diplomatic talks, a U.S. official told Reuters.

In May, Ceballos won a San Cristobal congressional primary from behind bars in December. 6 congressional elections.


Authorities later banned him and other opposition politicians from holding office, a move critics blasted as a clampdown on dissent and an attempt to discourage voters ahead of an election the ruling socialists are forecast to lose.

Venezuela ex-general Baduel, former Chavez ally, granted parole