
Kim Kardashian West defends herself after feminist comments

While many argue her rise to fame by flipping the script on a sex tape and owning her own image-as well as her continued success as a business woman-makes her a feminist icon, others claim that she can’t be considered a feminist seeing as she does not actively fight for equality and also profits off the trends, culture, and bodies of black women. The patriarch praises the reality star for “all the awards” she won, which happens to be one of the cutest moments of the entire video.


Despite the fact that Kardashian won’t label herself a feminist, the mother of two insists that she will continue to support and fight for women’s rights.

Aw, we have all the feels right now!

She added: “I love to support other women, but I’m not the “free-the-nipple” type girl”.

Ask students on any college campus their impression of “feminism” and they’d likely point you to a group of students who are on the front lines of creating “safe spaces” from their peers, demanding speech codes and yes, even shaming women like Kim Kardashian, who embrace their sexuality and ascribe to more traditional “gender norms”. The duo is said to have “got into a blazing argument over how Kim is always obsessing over her weight”. “I feel that being grouped or labeled can create separation between people who do (or don’t) fall into certain categories, when they may actually share numerous same beliefs and goals”, she wrote. I’m a human being, and I have thoughts, feelings and opinions about a lot of different things. The pre-teen Kardashian was rocking a super sleek bob for her middle school milestone with a white button down.

Okay. We know that everyone should be treated equally. “But, at the end of the day, no one should feel pressured to be labeled as anything just because they believe in certain things and support certain values or ideals”.

Look, I get this desire to live in a magical world where we are all identical beings of flawless light. We live in the midst of a gender equality revolution, and in any, there are inevitably stragglers, people who are on the wrong side of history, or people who opt not to take a side at all. And now, this actual world is a place where we have to identify ourselves as people fighting for certain types of equality. You say you’re a feminist because you believe men and women should have equal opportunities to succeed, not because you want woman to dominate men. You don’t need it and we don’t need to think you are THAT fit.

A mom like me – who works hard, raises her kids to the best of her ability and who just can’t see the point in prancing around in stilettos if she doesn’t really have to.

As it turns out, Kardashian West believes in all the tenets of feminism.


She seems to be following in the footsteps of Sarah Jessica Parker, who told Marie Claire recently, “I am not a feminist”.

The mother-of-two explained that while many aspects of her life seemingly identify her as a feminist she doesn't want to be'defined by what she believes