
‘Hillary’s a bigot’ Trump savages rival for pandering to ‘communities of colour’

Trump, who is lagging behind in the polls, accused Clinton of being on the side of the rioters – and argued that Democratic policies have made life for African-Americans and in inner cities worse.


“I thought it was pretty lame”, said Fred Royal, president of the Milwaukee branch of the NAACP.

The Clinton campaign issued a statement from Hillary’s doctor, Dr. Lisa Bardack to debunk the fake documents published online under her name.

Trump’s remarks, delivered via teleprompter in a rare departure from his usual freewheeling rally remarks, came after Clinton vowed Tuesday to conduct a national security and foreign policy that Americans could be proud of. The unidentified officer shot Smith after he failed to comply with orders to put his gun down. “It was a lame attempt to say that Donald Trump is the answer or the Republican Party is the answer to the African-American community, when we see how regressive he is on his immigration policies, when we see how liberal he is to giving more tax breaks to [the] richest 1 percent in the country”.

“She is against the police, believe me”, Trump said.

On Tuesday, Trump seized on the riots, accusing Clinton of sympathizing with protesters, who have complained of systemic racism and inequality at the hands of police. And Gary Johnson? Only 3% of the likely voters said they would vote for him if the election was today. The more poverty, the higher your crime rate will be.

Latinos tend to vote more Democratic than the population as a whole.

“Every dollar spent by the RNC on Donald Trump’s campaign is a dollar of donor money wasted on the losing effort of a candidate who has actively undermined the GOP at every turn”.

Trump began his visit with a meeting with local law enforcement officers at the Milwaukee County War Memorial Center on Lake Michigan. Instead, a number of them say Trump misunderstands the true nature of the problem.

Bayh, who once represented IN in the upper chamber and is seeking to return after choosing not to seek re-election IN 2010, could supplement his support among Democrats with Trump voters – 16% of whom said they would split their ballots, according to the Monmouth survey.


Clinton said at a voter registration event at a Philadelphia high school that she’s “not taking anybody anywhere for granted” in the race for the White House, saying the stakes “could not be higher”.

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton delivers a speech on the U.S economy at Futuramic Tool & Engineering