
Direct-to-consumer mattress company Casper introduces dog beds

Casper will promote the launch with a pop-up dog-mattress showroom, dubbed the Dog House, at 168 Bowery. The mail order mattress startup that is nearly single-handedly propping up the world’s podcasters now offers its service to canine companions for $125 a pop.


Casper, an online company which will send mattresses straight to your home, has created a mattress for dogs.

The e-commerce company, known for shipping mattresses in ultra-compact boxes, rolled out a new canine-focused product line this week. There’s a lot of nature to contend with – like the fact that dogs like a little head support and will invariable to a little digging in order to get fully comfortable.

You may have heard of Capser before – they’re a company that spent a lot of time and effort researching sleeping position, sleep patterns, and foam types to come up with what they call the flawless mattress. Orders placed now should start shipping by the 24. The startup’s product team spent almost two years analyzing canine sleeping patterns, working with dog psychologists and even studying the interaction between dog fur and different textiles under a microscope. You can buy it in small, medium, or large, which hold dogs of up to 30, 60, and 90 pounds, respectively. Prices range from $125 to $225, and you can choose from gray, blue, and taupe. Based on their findings, Casper came up with a loose fabric surface that will withstand your dog’s attempts to dig or den-build.


The beds also had to stand up to the wear and tear of the typical dog’s lifestyle.

Casper makes dog beds now