
Poll Shows More Evidence Trump May Affect N.Y. State Senate Outcome

On Aug. 17, the latest survey conducted by Monmouth University found that Trump now leads the Hoosier State by 11 percentage points, besting Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton by 47 to 36 percent support, CBS News reports. “They should stick with Trump”.


The new ad – which will air as part of the national cable ad buy – features Republican commentator George Will and 2012 Republican nominee Mitt Romney, who both oppose Trump, positing why he isn’t releasing his tax returns.

The advisers, including former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, encouraged the GOP nominee to press for more surveillance and more information-sharing with local police departments to fight terror threats if he’s elected president.

In fact, in the results that include four candidates, Trump doesn’t reach the 40 percent mark in any of the three states polled.

She said Trump’s tax plan would allow millionaires to cut their taxes to half and will not benefit 99.8 per cent of Americans.

The poll, taken last week just as Wall Street stocks surged to fresh record highs, gave no insight into why investor confidence in a Trump White House has slipped. That same poll has Sen.

808 Virginia likely voters with a margin of error of +/- 3.5 percentage points.

She pledged again that she would not raise taxes on middle-class earners but Republicans noted that during her time in the Senate she had voted in favour of Democratic budget plans that would have raised taxes on American earning less than 250,000 USA dollars (£190,000) a year. Burr, meanwhile, has $6 million in TV ad time reserved, according to a source tracking the buys.

On Wednesday, Trump received his first classified intelligence briefing, meeting with national security officials for more than two hours at an Federal Bureau of Investigation field office in New York City.

The governor’s afterglow might not be enough to help Republican Lt. Gov. Eric Holcomb become his successor.

Yet at least 110 Republicans, including two retiring GOP congressmen, Scott Rigell and Reid Ribble, say Trump is a lost cause, signing a letter urging the committee to abandon Trump.

Clinton delivered her speech after a Trump campaign shake-up. One states, “Young voters are too intelligent and not racist, or biased, enough to vote for Donald Trump”.

“There’s some concern that the election system is not as fair as it should be”, Christie said.

In Colorado, the poll shows Trump in third place among voters in the 18-34 age group.

“Florida is a paper-based voting system and we made that decision as a state to go to paper base because you can always recount paper”, Chris Chambless said.

Mr Trump said: “We reject the bigotry of Hilary Clinton which panders to and talks down to communities of colour and sees them only as votes”.

Her remarks came shortly after Mr Trump, struggling to steady his troubled campaign, announced a new chief executive officer and campaign manager.

“He’s always pushing things that are disruptive to the Republican Party”, another senior Republican said of Bannon.


“Steve fully understands the pulse of the grassroots”, said RNC spokesman Sean Spicer.

Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump in February