
Pauline cafferkey accused of concealing temperature in ebola checks

The NMC claims the Scottish nurse meant to hide from Public Health England staff that her temperature was higher than 38 degrees Celsius (100.4 degrees F).


The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) alleged in a case hearing published on their website that was later deleted, that Cafferkey “allowed an incorrect temperature to be recorded” on December 29, 2014 and meant to hide from Public Health England staff that she had a temperature higher than 38C.

“Ms Cafferkey and her representatives have co-operated fully throughout this process”.

Cafferkey, hailed as a hero for her work in the Ebola treatment units of Sierra Leone, could be struck off by the Nursing and Midwifery Council if the charges are proved against her.

They add that she “intended to hide from Public Health England staff that you had a temperature higher than 38C”.

The incidents are alleged to have happened when she returned to the United Kingdom in December 2014 before she headed back to her home in Cambuslang.

“You meant to hide from PHE staff that you had a temperature higher than 38C”.

Miss Cafferkey, a nurse for 16 years, volunteered to help tackle the Ebola outbreak in West Africa after responding to an NHS appeal.

She returned to London and then travelled on home to Scotland before being diagnosed, and spent nearly a month being treated in an isolation unit at London’s Royal Free Hospital.

Cafferkey initially recovered from the Ebola hemorrhagic fever and was sent home in January 2015. “It’s very stressful. It would be nice to have closure”.

The council said that a full hearing on the allegations is scheduled for next month. “I am unable to discuss the investigation whilst it is ongoing and I am looking forward to its conclusion”.

‘”Since the NMC’s case examiners considered the allegations and drafted charges, we have received further evidence”.


An NMC spokesman said: “Since these proceedings began the NMC has worked closely with Ms Cafferkey and her representatives to reach an outcome that is fair and meets the public interest in this case”.

Ebola Nurse Pauline Cafferkey Faces Disciplinary Action