
Trump up 11 points in Indiana; Clinton cruising in Colorado, Virginia

“To reiterate what I said in my previous statement, Secretary Clinton is in excellent health and fit to serve as President of the United States”, she added.


In a speech on Monday, Mr Trump alleged that Mrs Clinton “lacks the mental and physical stamina” to take on Islamic State and other adversaries. He also hit his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton for backing USA intervention in Libya during her tenure as secretary of state. That’s according to internal poll numbers released by Democrats in this state. That same poll has Sen.

Among investor-voters, Trump was favored by a slight 41-39 percent margin as someone who would better deal with the situation if the economy falls into recession over the coming four years. In the last six presidential elections, after all, Florida has produced three Democratic victories and three Republican victories (one of those the tied race of 2000). – 10 million according to an independent analysis by Moody’s.

The extraordinary exchange is a symptom of the negative campaigning that has been a feature of a White House race between two candidates with record high unfavourability ratings and who want to secure their respective bases.

The message afterwards was clear: They need a healthy Trump to help keep Congress.

Centering on inner cities, Trump pointed out crime statistics, poverty, poor education and lack of opportunity that have been problematic for decades and blamed them on Democratic politicians who have been in charge of city halls in the nation’s largest municipalities for decades. Reporter: If Donald Trump finds a way to win it will not because of his ground game.

The RNC has brought in staff to help Trump’s once-skeletal campaign organization, aiming to help turn out the vote across the country.

Just one-fourth of those surveyed said they felt excited about the presidential election.

SANTA SHOW WHAT A WOMAN: “I think she’s awesome, I hope she can break the glass ceiling”. Thirty-two percent of Clinton supporters say they’re actually pro-Clinton, while 44 percent are anti-Trump.

Her remarks came shortly after Trump, struggling to steady his troubled campaign, announced a new chief executive officer and campaign manager. A number of Republicans in the party establishment have been the subjects of relentless attacks from the combative website.

“This thing will be like a roller coaster”, said Republican Mike McDaniel on the most recent episode of Indiana Week in Review.

Yet RNC officials expressed support for the move.


“Steve (Bennan) fully understands the pulse of the grassroots”.

Trump turns to conservative flame-thrower as campaign CEO