
Clinton plans tax hike on the ‘super wealthy’

The Washington Post analysis says if Clinton can win Florida and all the states it deems traditionally Democratic, she’ll win.


Clinton was referring to a staff shake-up among Trump’s campaign leadership: Breitbart News’ Stephen Bannon has been named campaign CEO and pollster Kellyanne Conway has been prompted to campaign manager.

Even as Trump begins to compete on television, he will still be outpunched by Clinton and her supporters: Her campaign and super PACs are scheduled to air $12.8 million in those four states – plus the time they’ve bought in other states that Trump has so far passed on contesting on television.

Clinton also discussed her plan to provide free community college and expand broadband to every home, including those in urban and rural communities.

You can read the full fact sheet here.

If the election for President were being held today and the Democratic nominee for President is Hillary Clinton and the Republican nominee for President is Donald Trump; the Libertarian nominee is Gary Johnson and the Green party nominee is Jill Stein for whom would you vote?

Clinton released her 2015 tax returns earlier this month and eight years of personal income tax returns in 2015.

But Mrs Clinton’s personal doctor, Dr. Lisa Bardack, released a statement past year saying she is “in excellent physical condition and fit to serve as president of the United States”.

“While it is dismaying to see the Republican nominee for president push deranged conspiracy theories in a foreign policy speech, it’s no longer surprising”, said Mrs Clinton’s communications director Jennifer Palmieri in a statement. Party loyalists have grown increasingly frustrated with Trump’s inability to stay focused on Democrat Hillary Clinton amid a series of self-created distractions.

TRUMP: Would eliminate the so-called “death tax” on that is now levied on estates worth more than $5.45 million ($10.9 million for married couples). Independent estimates from Bloomberg News and others have put his estimated net worth at being closer to $3 billion, which would yield an estate tax bill of $1.2 billion under current law.

“Under his plan, Donald Trump would pay a lower tax rate than middle-class families”, she said.

CLINTON: Has made several proposals meant to help limit child care expenses to 10 percent of a family’s income, but hasn’t proposed using the tax code to achieve that goal. “They should stick with Trump”.

“Rather than throwing good money after bad, the RNC should shift its strategy and its resources to convince voters not to give Hillary Clinton the “blank check” of a Democrat-controlled Congress to advance her big government agenda”, the letter says.


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