
Rick Perry Continues Trump Camp Attacks Against Khan Family

Predictably, News Sentinel columnist Sam Venable has joined the chorus of Donald Trump bashers in the media eager to denounce the Republican presidential candidate’s comments directed toward Khizr and Ghazala Khan, the parents of an Army captain killed in Iraq in 2004, a war that Trump opposed and for which Hillary Clinton voted as a US senator.


On Monday, Gold Star parent Khizr Khan responded to Donald Trump’s proposal to make immigrants take an ideological admissions test by challenging the Republican nominee to put his money where his mouth is and take a us citizenship naturalization test.

Donald Trump’s campaign has apparently chose to renew its horrific attacks on the Muslim family of a fallen US soldier – which were widely seen as the beginning of the GOP nominee’s disastrous post-convention slide. “We were for a better America, ‘” Khan says in the video. His is demagoguery and pandering for vote. His father delivered a scathing prime time rebuke of Trump on stage at the Democratic convention in Philadelphia last month, which sparked a lengthy back-and-forth between Trump and the Khans, who are Muslim.

“This is my country too”, he said. “Those who do not believe in our Constitution, or who support bigotry and hatred, will not be admitted for immigration into the country”, Trump declared.

Trump’s ongoing criticism of the Khans cost him.

Twitter users quickly called out Perry for attacking a Gold Star family and backing Trump. “He would nearly certainly fail, given his general ignorance and weak grasp of basic facts about American history, principles and functioning of our government”. Reid then wrote Trump “is nothing more than a spoiled, unpatriotic drain on society”.


Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) guaranteed that Donald Trump would fail taking the U.S. Naturalization Test.

A Trump Campaign Co-Chair Claims The Khans Don't Deserve To Be Gold Star Parents