
Clinton, Kaine release additional years of tax returns

Clinton’s tax filings indicate she made $3 million in book sales and made more than $1.1 million in profits from speeches.


By opening up her IRS documents again, as presidential candidates from both parties have done for some four decades, Clinton may boring the effect of any attacks over her lucre.

The Clintons donated about $1 million, or 9.8 percent of their adjusted gross income, to charity a year ago.

Although the speaking fees were previously reported in tax returns filed for 2013 and 2014 and released more than a year ago, the campaign made a point Friday of compiling them into online lists broken out by the name of the company or organization she addressed. Taking into account their state and local taxes, the Clintons had a total effective tax rate of more than 43 percent in 2015.

But billionaire Mr Trump has declined to release his, arguing that his tax returns for the past several years are being audited. Ford had been a politician since leaving the Navy after World War II, so his returns lacked the sort of complexity or surprises that one might find in, say, the returns of a guy who’s owned a huge, complex, multi-national business for three decades. Charitable contributions accounted for 9.8 percent of their adjusted gross income.

“Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine continue to set the standard for financial transparency”, said Clinton’s communications director Jennifer Palmieri in a statement.

Donald Trump claims Hillary Clinton backs trade agreements like NAFTA and the Trans Pacific Partnership that he says cost USA workers jobs.

Tax experts speculate that Trump, by contrast, may pay little in taxes, or even no federal income tax at all.

By any measure, though, Hillary Clinton and her husband have satisfied the Buffett Rule that she’d like to impose if elected.

Her running mate Tim Kaine, along with his wife Anne Holton, paid a rate of 20.3 per cent, his returns show. “What is he trying to hide?”. Their effective state and local tax rate was 9%.

Kaine, on the other hand, will release the last 10 years of his own tax returns. In 2014, she earned almost $10.5 million in speaking fees, exceeding the $9.7 million her husband Bill was paid for doing the same. They were within $1 million of reaching the 0.01 percent threshold – or the top 1 percent of the top 1 percent. All told, the Clintons have made their tax returns public for every year dating back to 1977. Today’s release gave the Clinton camp another avenue to pounce.

That year, the Clintons donated $1,042,000 to charity, with the vast majority – $1 million – going to the Clinton Family Foundation.


PAGING MOSCOW: Last month Trump caused a stir in a news conference by saying “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails” missing from Clinton.

As Trump struggles, Clinton goes on offense to win over GOP