
Donald Trump vows to defeat ISIS by partnering with North Atlantic Treaty Organisation

“We did the stupid attacks on Libya and got nothing out of it”, Trump said, “and ISIS has taken over the oil and it’s some of the finest oil in the world”. The time is long overdue to develop a new screening test for the threats we face today. He said any country that shares the goal would be a USA ally. He said only those who accept a “tolerant” view of American society would be admitted to the United States. “Anyone who can not condemn the hatred, oppression and violence of radical Islam lacks the moral clarity to serve as our president”, Trump said, adding that Clinton lacks “the judgment, the temperament and the moral character to lead [the] nation”.


“Importantly, she also lacks the mental and physical stamina to take on ISIS and all of the many adversaries we face”, said Trump.

Donald Trump said he would test would-be immigrants for anti-Semitic beliefs and that Israel would be a key ally in defeating “radical Islam”.

Trump repeated his pledge to “temporarily suspend immigration from some of the most unsafe and volatile regions of the world that have a history of exporting terrorism” and said he would stop processing visas from countries where “adequate screening can not take place. until such time as it is deemed safe to resume based on new circumstances or new procedures”. It is his policies and rhetoric that are in need of some “extreme vetting”. However, those who “do not believe in our Constitution, or who support bigotry and hatred” would be deported or denied from entering the country. “‘It would be an extreme legal stretch – likely to the breaking point – to use this provision to keep people out based on their opinions about religious freedoms, LGBTQ issues or gender equality, ‘ Leopold says”.

The presidential hopeful listed instances wherein legal immigrants committed or were plotting acts of terrorism, including the case of Filipino citizen Ralph Deleon who was sentenced to 25 years in prison for a plot to join Al Qaeda.

Trump vowed to work “very closely” with NATO, sidestepping previous criticism of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization after saying that a Trump presidency would not automatically leap to members’ defense.

I have previously said North Atlantic Treaty Organisation was obsolete because it failed to deal adequately with terrorism.

As for tackling the Islamic State terror group and other major threats, the Republican nominee said that under his administration the USA would seek to partner with any country that is willing to join it in the fight against extremism.

“After beginning his remarks with a long reminder of the recent attacks in the United States and Europe – the Boston Marathon the attacks in Paris, through Orlando, Brussels, San Bernardino and Nice – Donald Trump has accused Barack Obama and his rival Hillary Clinton for having created the vacuum that allowed terrorism to flourish”.


And Trump called for a Commission on Radical Islam to help identify “warning signs” and expose homegrown extremist networks to stop attacks such as those in San Bernardino and Orlando, Fla.

Trump Proposes Extreme Vetting of New Immigrants Into US