
Former Miami Dolphins offensive line coach files lawsuit against Wells Report

According to reports out of Miami, ex-Dolphins offensive line coach Jim Turner is filing a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida against Ted Wells and his law firm, Paul Weiss of New York, wanting damages for defamation.


Turner, who thinks his status and profession have been unfairly affected, believes that Wells’ report on the Dolphins negatively and maybe completely altered his means to land one other NFL teaching job. According to the report, Turner tolerated and even participated in the harassment of Miami players, lied to investigators and repeatedly attempted to convince Martin to publicly defend Incognito. The report also contains reference that Turner knew about the slurs against Martin’s sister, and that he had provided a male blow-up doll at a Christmas party to one particular player.

Wells did not return calls for comment.

Incognito said the NFL punishment system is “bogus” and there was nothingindependent” about Wells’ investigations of the Dolphins when he played there and New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady’s alleged role in using underinflated footballs during the AFC Championship Game in January.

Meanwhile, Rex Ryan has named Incognito, who was suspended by the Dolphins after the 2013 scandal broke and sat out the 2014 season, a starter for the Buffalo Bills. They arrive in with an agenda they usually are available trying to discover details to again up their argument. The complaint claimed the NFL and Wells made Turner a scapegoat because of public outrage over the bullying of children had become a national concern. All the facts are slanted in their favor. But the NFL hired mega-lawyer Ted Wells to come in and do an independent investigation of the matter, and when that report came out we all thought that was the end of all that.


This case will name into query whether or not Wells really was working as an unbiased investigator, a problem that has come up in connection to the ‘ Deflategate case as nicely. “There were some things in there that would have helped my cause that were left out”.

Jerome Miron-USA TODAY Sports