
Ryan Lochte, James Feigen indicted by Rio de Janeiro authorities

Speaking on condition of anonymity because the investigation was ongoing, the official said the swimmers had tried to open a door at a gas station but it was jammed.


The police testimony, combined with images shot at a Rio gas station broadcast by Brazilian network Globo, seemingly undermine what Lochte and his teammates said.

Security video confirmed that the athletes had tried to break their way into a shuttered bathroom.

Veloso would not say whether any charges would be filed against the swimmers.

Cops however backtracked tonight and said two garage security guards DID point guns at Lochte and his three teammates.

Mr Lochte claimed he had been mugged in Brazil at gunpoint, however new evidence shows the story may have been concocted to cover-up a fight with security guards.

A police source and staff at the station have said that the swimmers caused minor damage there, though there is still no consistent account.

So … the manager demanded money and a gun was pointed at the swimmers.

The swimmers were taken off the plane for questioning, the newspaper said.

Police told ABC News that the swimmers “offered 100 reals and $20” to compensate for the damage.

Sources who spoke to all four swimmers Thursday disputed Brazilian police’s characterization of what happened.

“It was an unfortunate experience for him and the other three”.

Brazilian law also states that foreigners are not immune therefore the US swimmers could be detained, arrested and tried according to Brazilian law even though they are citizens of another country.

Olympic organisers defended the actions of the athletes, offering the explanation that they were just “kids” whose enjoyment got a little out of hand in the Rio atmosphere.

“They competed under very big pressure”.

We’ll have more as this positively batshit story develops. We have also asked for a police report that they were asked to go to this place.

Lochte left for the United States on Tuesday aboard a commercial flight before the judge’s order was issued, a spokesman for federal police said.

CCTV footage was also leaked which claimed to show the swimmers returning to the athletes’ village following the alleged incident with their possessions, casting further doubt on assertions their wallets were stolen.


Rio police said four US swimmers lied about being held up at gunpoint Sunday morning. Bentz and Conger were questioned by police on Wednesday after they were stopped trying to fly out of Brazil, and allegedly confessed that Lochte fabricated the story. Lochte has made it back to the United States.

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