
Here’s where Donald Trump is not beating his fellow Republicans

Trump tried to laugh off the onslaught by interjecting, “Only Rosie O’Donnell”, but Kelly was relentless. It’s his first appearance in Michigan as a presidential candidate. “That’s a sideshow out there”, Walker said of Trump’s campaign. After the debate, Trump told CNN that he thought Kelly was angry about their exchange during the debate and said she had “blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever”.


Jeb Bush, Ben Carson and Scott Walker round out the top four; however, their poll numbers combined do not match Trump’s results. “I’m leading by double digits, so maybe I shouldn’t change”, he boasted.

He said Bush’s comment was worse than a video recording of 2012 GOP nominee Mitt Romney in which Romney said that 47% of voters were dependent on the government and would vote for president Barack Obama, no matter what, alienating voters. “Do we want to insult 53 percent of our voters?” the former Florida governor told the RedState Gathering in Atlanta, where Trump had been the headliner for an evening reception at the College Football Hall of Fame.

And Fiorina gave a smooth response for the need for leadership in the Middle East – and casually mentioned that she knew all the players.

On Monday, the Morning Consult’s Reid Wilson said Trump’s lead grew by seven percentage points, to 32 percent.

Donald Trump is on a roll in the polls.

“It just doesn’t seem to bother me“, Kasich said. “He really could be a liberal, for all I’m concerned”.

“I’m not going to trash talk the other opponents like some have”.

Amid a concern the Trump tsunami may be hurting the GOP’s standing with women, there is also a worry for Democrats who initially viewed his rhetoric as a net positive for their party.

Incidentally, since we’re on the topic of Kelly and Trump, anyone still want to argue that Fox is on a crusade to destroy him after reading this?

A review of Trump’s writings, televised interviews and Twitter feed show he’s long used harsh language to describe women – and occasionally men. “Marco Rubio (Fla.) at 6 percent”, their report states. The media might try to stir up some conflict, the evangelist said, but he believes that educated people would not want to hear any backbiting, petty squabbling, or negative attack ads, since these will only make a mockery out of American elections. And while she did not have a chance onstage with Trump, her question for him was perhaps the best of either session.

Trump largely dismissed Kelly’s question at the debate, but on Friday he went directly after her. On Sunday, he took a more measured approach.


Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said Monday that while frontrunner Donald Trump is a “showman”, all of the Republican presidential hopefuls are on the same page when it comes to trying to deny women access to health services. “I’ve won all my life. And I will respect that”. Trump has been fire after he made controversial comments about Kelly in an interview with the CNN.

Trump says he's prepared to spend millions on campaign