
CNN host breaks down presenting video of injured Syrian boy

As global concern mounted, President Bashar Assad’s key ally, Russia, said it was ready to halt fire in the battleground northern city for 48-hour “humanitarian pauses” from next week. The photographs of the child show him in frightful shape and covered in the dust from the rubble that was once is home following an airstrike by either the Russians or the Syrian military.


The Syrian kid was taken to a hospital known as M10, where doctors work bravely and almost nonstop to help the victims of the fighting. Their work is nearly as thankless as it is necessary and few doctors remain in the besieged city.

The announcement followed pleas from the United Nations and the European Union for a halt in the fighting in divided Aleppo to allow aid deliveries.

Kerry “continues to urge Russian Federation to work with him on a set of proposals that we agreed to in Moscow and teams are still trying to work out, try to get the cessation of hostilities to be more enforceable across the wide expanse of Syria in an enduring way”, Kirby said.

“What strikes me is we shed tears, but there are no tears here”, Bolduan said.

Omran was rescued along with his three siblings – aged 1, 6, and 11 – and his mother and father from the rubble of their partially-destroyed apartment building, according to Raslan. “We wanted you to know”, she concluded as she broke down completely. The video and photographs of a dazed, confused Omran sent shivers down the spine of every empathetic person who saw it. “Bloody terrible. What can we do??” asked Labor party member David Baines after viewing the original tweet sent by Telegraph reporter Raf Sanchez.

According to the latest reports Russian Federation has reportedly agreed to a 48-hour truce in Aleppo.

He is young – one witness puts him at four, perhaps five years old, but his chubby arms and legs and the way he clings to the man who pulled him from the rubble of his bombed-out home suggest he is still a toddler.

Doctors in Aleppo use code names for hospitals, which they say have been systematically targeted by government airstrikes. At least 12 presumed Syrian refugees died trying to reach the Greek island of Kos.

“Omran is left inside that ambulance, alone, bloodied, as rescuers go back into the rubble looking for any one else who may have survived”, Bolduan reports.

Unfortunately, this is a daily occurrence in Aleppo, and rarely have a happy ending. The videographer al Sarouq told CNN, “The truth is that the image you see today is repeated every day in Aleppo”.


“That little boy has never had a day in his life where there hasn’t been war, death, destruction, poverty in his own country”, US State Department spokesman John Kirby told reporters during his daily press briefing.

Syria conflict: Image of injured boy in Aleppo draws outrage