
Threats Emerging Against Officer Involved in Saturday’s Shooting in Milwaukee

Police say Smith had a gun in his hand when he turned toward the officer, who opened fire.


Sherelle Smith, sister of the man shot by Milwaukee police, made some controversial comments, as she spoke to reporters at a gas station during riots in the wake of her brother’s death.

Sherelle said that she condemned the violence and looting which occurred in the wake of her brother’s shooting.

“At the end of the day, acting out ain’t gonna solve it”, she said, according to a local Fox News affiliate. With him working the job he works and the hours he put in and me being focused on my music career and work in the community, we didn’t get the opportunity [to talk about his police career]. “Take that s- to the suburbs!”

But his grandfather, William Brookins, said Smith suffered from cognitive and mental health problems and carried a gun because he had been shot once before.

He was also arrested for allegedly stealing $1,600 (£1,230) worth of DVDs from a local Wal-Mart, carrying a concealed weapon without a permit and a year ago was charged with reckless endangerment after opening fire at a man in a fight over a woman. They were aware his identity was widely known and being distributed, along with threats against him.

She suggested he had been killed because of “jealousy”. Why not go out with a big bang? Why?

We let the police department know in advance what we were reporting and they did not ask us to withhold his name for safety reasons.

“I was in shock and disbelief just like everyone else that knew him or grew up with him”, he said in a Q&A”.

Newsbusters called the original CNN report that included only a partial presentation of Sherelle Smith’s remarks and that excluded the reference to burning down the suburbs “a classic case of media bias by omission”.


“I want to take a moment to clarify something from Monday”, she said.

Sylville Smith died after fleeing from a traffic stop while armed