
Destiny Xur Location and Items for August 14-16, 2015 Listed

Stop whatever it is you are doing right now and go buy the Gjallarhorn.


The powerful launcher, when leveled, can shred through enemies of all types with serious fire damage, and it’s now available through the vendor Xur, who visits Destiny weekly. Gjally has become infamous as the most widely sought-after gun in the game, with its nice looks and its ability to melt bosses easily.

What is Xur going to have for us this time around though? The Gjallarhorn can be purchased for 17 odd Coins. For a while now, Xur has not been selling anything good enough to be worth the players time, but that all changed today.

The Exotic-class rocket launcher is often touted as the best way to tackle numerous game’s high-end challenges, but unfortunately, it’s proven very hard to get. I can’t wait to spend all the unusual Coins in hopes of landing a new Exotic, and of course not getting one. And we regretted it for weeks or months afterward.


This week, Xur is in the the Tower, in the Hangar, and would you believe it? Which is appropriate, since the nearby jukebox can accompany all the happily dancing guardians.

Xur is Selling Gjallarhorn in Destiny This Week