
Donald Trump actually admits to regrets – ‘Sometimes…you say the wrong thing’

His plummeting poll numbers suggest that he is cruising toward defeat in November unless he is able to drastically change course.


“I’ve never been politically correct”, the Republican nominee explained.

Trump named Steve Bannon, head of the Breitbart News website, as campaign chief executive officer, a new position. Bannon’s addition to the team was a surprising twist that befuddled many Republicans Wednesday, given his lack of experience running campaigns.

Donald Trump’s latest shakeup of his senior staff in the midst of the general election has all the earmarks of a campaign in disarray.

But there is no doubt that the addition of these two does, in fact, translate to a “shake up” of sorts, where Donald Trump is only focused on his nationalist supporters and away from the traditional Republican establishment who have already rejected him.

AP writer Jill Colvin in Mooresville, North Carolina and Lisa Lerer in Washington contributed to this report.

Trump’s new campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, promised on Thursday the volatile Republican presidential candidate would stick to a more disciplined and uplifting message to voters in the final dash to Election Day without crimping his freewheeling style. Many, many decades. You have nothing to lose.

In a September 2015 interview on “The Tonight Show” with Jimmy Fallon, Trump quipped that “apologizing is a great thing, but you have to be wrong”. “If the new campaign leadership can do that, I am all for the change”.

The veteran pollster acknowledged polling now shows Trump behind in the race, but said it’s to his advantage.

“We welcome him to LA, but not for a photo-op”, said his spokesman Richard Carbo in a statement.

Everywhere I go, people ask me – does Trump really want to win this race?

In a highly uncharacteristic move at a rally in North Carolina on Thursday night, Trump said for the first time that he regrets some of the caustic comments he’s made in “the heat of debate”.

“Trump is on his third campaign manager in three months”. It has run ads highlighting her mother’s abusive childhood and Clinton’s early commitment to helping women and children as a legal advocate, while much of the Democratic convention was devoted to Clinton’s personal biography.

Breitbart – aka Trump Pravda – has operated as the campaign’s iron-fisted disinformation agency.

But Trump has exhibited obvious discomfort with that strategy as he has lurched from teleprompter-assisted speeches back to his volatile tangents and slashing personal attacks. Instead, the official said the campaign will be unpredictable and won’t follow the standard playbook.

He said Trump used an M4 gun often carried by law enforcement.

But Stone, who says Trump has “maybe a 4 in 10, closer to 5 in 10” chance of winning, had some advice for the Republican nominee.

And though several GOP fundraisers have told CNN in recent months that it was Manafort himself who brought them on board, bundlers like Hughey said Wednesday that all they could do during a shake-up was charge through the thicket. “Voters know if you’re comfortable in your own skin”, she said.

“And let him be him in this sense: He wants to deliver the speech, if he wants to go to a rally, if he wants to connect with the crowd in a way that’s very spontaneous, that’s wonderful”.

The Indiana governor sarcastically offered to help Hassan with her answers by saying simply “no” and put in a plug for U.S. Sen.

Trump then said “I think I will be called Mr. Brexit”. “It lights a fire under us and reminds us what we need to do to get this done”.

Trump said that, “Too much is at stake for us to be consumed with these issues”.

“The result for them will be awesome”, he said.

Robby Mook, Clinton’s campaign manager, told reporters during a Wednesday conference call that the Democrat is expecting more divisive rhetoric from the new team.


In the past month, USA security officials have said that starting previous year, hackers infiltrated computers of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton and her party’s congressional fundraising committee.

Donald Trump's New Campaign Manager Kellyanne Conway Says Dismal Polling 'Helps,&#039 'Lights a Fire Under Us&#039