
New Rogue One Trailer Drops Tomorrow, See Teaser Trailer Here

As previously suggested, this prequel to Star Wars: A New Hope (that’s the original 1977 film) will focus on heroes trying to steal the plans for a still-under-construction Death Star.


Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is the first film in the franchise not to follow the traditional “episodic” format, and is being heralded as the series” first “Anthology’ movie.

The latest “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story” trailer has just confirmed what everyone practically knows already, and still everyone is talking about it nonetheless.

It divulges a little more information about the mission faced by the movie’s lead character, Jyn Erso, who is portrayed by British actress Felicity Jones.

We see a lot more of the unsafe world Felicity Jones’ Jyn Erso plays a part of, but the trailer inevitably just ends up asking more questions that it does answering the ones already posed by teasers.

Lucasfilm enlisted an elite squad for the cause, including Felicity Jones (Jyn Erso), Forest Whitaker (Saw Gerrera), Diego Luna (Captain Cassian Ander) and Donnie Yen (Chirrut Imwe). Rogue One: A Star Wars Story arrives in theaters December 16, 2016.

The new trailer for Star Wars spin-off movie Rogue One has landed – and it ends with a tantalising glimpse of Darth Vader. Rouge One: A Star Wars Story opens in USA theaters on the 16 of December this year. The first trailer has scenes of the Death Star, a Rebel spy, X-Wing fighter references and stormtroopers.


Simple: You put one of the most iconic characters in cinema in it.
