
Letters: Trump giving Clinton a free pass

Trump is spending at least $1.4 million in Florida, $1 million in Pennsylvania, about $831,000 in North Carolina and $746,000 in OH, according to Kantar Media. Weary Republican leaders hope the new leadership team can reverse the NY businessman’s struggles even as some worry it’s too little too late. He also shook up his campaign in recent days, tapping a combative conservative media executive, Stephen Bannon, to serve as CEO of the campaign. Republican pollster Kellyanne Conway filled the campaign manager position left vacant since Trump fired his former campaign chief nearly two months ago.


“We’re going to sharpen the message”, Conway told broadcaster “CNN” on Thursday.

Long doubting the efficacy of television ads, Donald Trump is finally ceding to this one measure of political gravity, airing his first ad of the general election.

“Better the devil you know than the Lord of the Flies on his own 757”. And his party leaders, even at the Republican National Committee, have already conceded they may divert resources away from the presidential contest in favor of vulnerable Senate and House candidates if things don’t improve.

RNC chief strategist Sean Spicer calls Trump’s staffing changes the “healthy growth of the campaign at a senior level at a key point”.

Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally at the BB&T Center on August 10 in Sunrise, Fla.

“We waited a while, despite favorable polls for Clinton, because it once seemed reasonable to imagine Trump making a play for the land of Live Free or Die”, write Larry J. Sabato, Kyle Kondik and Geoffrey Skelley. For them, Roger Harris, president of Padgett Business Services, has comforting words: “How many political speeches ever became tax law?”

While two-thirds of Trump supporters said immigration was a very big problem for the country, just 17% of Clinton voters said the same. In breaking with that approach, Trump appears set on finishing the race on his own terms – win or lose.

The common refrain: If you spent half the time and effort you spend assailing Trump on Clinton instead, he’d be winning by a landslide.

“That is the most direct route to 270”, said Chris Young, RNC field director.

This update to the map is far from a prediction that the election is over and Clinton has won.

News reported Thursday that Trump has plunked down $4 million to air ads in North Carolina, Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania over the next 10 days, including $838,000 in North Carolina markets.

The projection site also counts Clinton as having 273 electoral votes from safe states and likely Democratic states, which puts her over the 270-vote threshold needed to win the presidency for the first time.

The Indiana governor sarcastically offered to help Hassan with her answers by saying simply “no” and put in a plug for U.S. Sen.

The general election is in full swing, and one of the closest races in the country is in the state of Nevada, where Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump by a slim 2 percent margin, according to the latest poll released by Suffolk University. He recently faced a barrage of criticism for belittling the family of a Muslim American soldier who died in Iraq in 2004, after the soldier’s father spoke out against Trump at the Democratic National Convention last month.


But the prospect of continued GOP obstruction in the House intensifies the likelihood of a battle royal this fall between House Speaker Paul Ryan, who aims to hold onto the wide GOP majority, and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, an intense Clinton supporter who aims to restore her leadership.
