
Third (and fourth) party candidates face challenges for exposure, ballot position

To be included in the fall debates, a candidate must poll above 15 percent in an average of five polls selected by the bipartisan controlled Commission on Presidential Debates – those polls being from ABC/Washington Post, NBC/Wall Street Journal, CBS/New York Times, CNN, and Fox News.


Without any outstanding challenges remaining, the state Board of Elections is poised to approve Johnson’s name for the presidential ballot when the board meets on September 15.

Johnson is on track to be on the ballot in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, Howell said, noting OH has been “one of the worst” states for access.

All told, Johnson and the Libertarian Party submitted 32,617 petition signatures requesting his name to be added to the ballot, Axinn said.

In an election rife with Never-Trumpers and Bernie Bros, the Libertarian presidential ticket traveled to Miami-Dade County Wednesday evening in search of disenfranchised voters and some badly needed media exposure, The Miami Herald reports. He says in those polls he’s at 10 percent.

As the Libertarian nominee four years ago, Johnson carried no states and got 1 percent of the popular vote nationally and 0.5 percent in Florida.

Vote for Clinton, a Democrat, then vote for Republican senators. Could that possibly open the door a little bit for a third party candidate? I think maybe six weeks from now you’ll be talking about, is voting for Trump a wasted vote?

A longtime supporter of legalizing marijuana, Johnson maintained his stance that the issue should be left to individual states to govern.

Johnson blamed US pursuit of regime change for fueling the rise of Islamic State terrorism.

Johnson said his only real shot at winning the election is the debates.

“By no figment of the imagination are the two sides going to come together if either one of them are elected”, Johnson said.

“You could implement a carbon tax that really isn’t going to be revenue-generating as much as it is going to be self-regulating, that you would actually reduce carbon emission through a tax like that and ultimately reduce costs”, Johnson said.

Even if Johnson and Weld make Ohio’s ballot, both would lack the party’s label or any designation.

At FIU, Johnson told the audience that if he can get more exposure, voters will flock to his candidacy.


Libertarian presidential nominee Gary Johnson and his running mate Bill Weld brought their fledgling, third-party campaign to Las Vegas, hoping to make an appeal to Nevadans disillusioned by both major party presidential candidates. “It’s just that they don’t know it”.

Candidate Gary Johnson