
Clintons released their incomes: $10.6 million previous year

Clinton and her husband Bill, the former president, reported $10.6 million in income for 2015. They paid an effective federal tax rate of 34.2 percent, donating 9.8 percent of their income to charity.


The figures show Hillary and Bill Clinton earned almost $11m in 2015, and paid a total of 43.2% tax.

Meanwhile, Democrats have happily filled the void with speculation that Mr Trump is not giving as much to charity as he claims, is not as wealthy as he has made out, is trying to hide embarrassing business connections at home or overseas.

The IRS has said Trump is free to release his returns.

Donald Trump responded to Hillary Clinton’s speech on the economy – which included her reactions to the proposals Trump outlined on Monday – calling the Democrat’s presentation “terrible” and “boring”.

“We want to see the records the night of Benghazi that explain why Secretary Clinton didn´t send in reinforcements as soon as the attack had begun”, he said of the 2012 assault on the USA consulate in Libya that killed four Americans, including the ambassador.

Trump’s running mate, Mike Pence, has yet to say if he will release his taxes, which he has not done as governor of Indiana. She put out her most recent eight years of tax filings last summer and several years during her first presidential bid.

Ms. Palmieri said Mr. Trump, meanwhile, “is hiding behind fake excuses” in refusing to release his own information. Forbes magazine estimates Trump is worth less than half that – $4.5 billion.

Presidential candidates typically release their tax returns to the media to show their effective tax rate, charitable donations and other financial details.

The Clintons took in $10.6 million in income in 2015, a majority of which came from paid speeches by Bill Clinton, while $3 million came from book royalties.

Of the the $1,042,000 the Clintons gave to charity as listed on their return, $1 million of that went to the Clinton Family Foundation.

Although the claim is unsubstantiated, Clinton is ramping up the pressure on her Republican rival to release, at the very least, prior years of his tax filings that aren’t now being audited. Obama repeatedly used Romney’s business dealings against him and seized upon his reluctance to release certain tax records.

The documents were posted to Clinton’s website on Friday, along with a statement calling out Trump.

The Democratic VP candidate also released his tax returns and they are a little more pedestrian. Her opponent’s refusal to release his own returns makes Clinton’s wealth and its origins harder for Republicans to assail.


“They are the lowest form of humanity”. That places them amid the top tenth of 1 percent of American taxpayers. Former-president Richard Nixon was the last major party nominee to decline doing so.

Hillary Clinton knocks 'outlandish Trumpian ideas' in policy speech