
Amy Schumer Confirms Comedy Central Show is Not Over

Now “Inside Amy Schumer” has been renewed for a fifth season set to air in 2017, but Schumer’s tweet could mean that she has chosen to walk away.


She followed with another tweet saying, “Kurt does not work for me. There are no writers for it”.

“But while she maintained that” Kurt’s my friend”, she expressed disappointment with his online ranting – and frustration that his actions inevitably circle back to her. Metzger criticized the ban, and seemed as well to criticize alleged sex assault victims who don’t go to the police. Amy Schumer blocked me on Twitter for this tweet.

Comedian Kurt Metzger attached Amy Schumer to his controversial comments about rape since he’s been listed as a writer on her Comedy Central show. The show will ultimately return for Season 5.

Speaking to TV interviewer Charlie Rose, Schumer said Metzger was her friend and she was not on Facebook so did not read his “crazy rants”, but added they were “not representative of me at all”.

He criticised those on social media who jumped to instant judgement, writing: “ALL women are as reliable as my bible!” This, eventually, got linked back to Schumer, who was staying unusually silent on the matter, going so far as to block Twitter users who asked her about it.

“It’s an interesting writers room because it’s always been very diverse with the views in there”, she added.

So she finally chose to take some action about it and took to Twitter to explain her side. “But the focus is on him, rather than on what the real main problem is”.

Schumer agreed with Rose that it’s uplifting how more and more people are coming forward in 2016 about attacks that happened years ago, and any criticism of that will only discourage others from continuing the trend.

“He gets something from going after people and making them mad”.

According to the “Inside Amy Schumer” star, the show is on hiatus because she is now on a promotional tour for her book, “The Girl with the Lower Back Tattoo”.


“You’re the best, and we’ll miss your show”. And I’m only looking for people to feel less alone reading it, and maybe for a guy to read it and think, “Oh”.

Relax everyone Inside Amy Schumer is not over yet the comedian confirmed on Twitter