
Clinton gives email thumb drives to Federal Bureau of Investigation

Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign spokesman confirmed Tuesday that Clinton will give the Justice Department the private email server she exclusively used while serving as secretary of state, along with a backup thumb drive.


Her attorney also agreed to give FBI agents a thumb drive containing copies of thousands of emails that Clinton had previously turned over to the State Department, The Washington Post reported. Hillary Clinton deemed those emails work-related, and said she deleted an additional 30,000 messages that were personal. The former first lady and senator from New York, now a Democratic presidential contender, had said she wanted those emails to be released to the public, which the State Department was slowly in the process of doing.

Earlier this week, the Intelligence Community’s Inspector General reportedly told Congress that it determined Clinton’s emails included highly classified information, including at least some information that should have been classified at level “TOP SECRET//SI//TK//NOFORN”.

“Not a single person I’ve spoken to in South Carolina has even brought up Secretary Clinton’s emails”, state party Executive Director Jason Perkey said Wednesday.

“And then you have Hillary Clinton, who was the secretary of state dealing with confidential information, with classified information, thinking it was OK to use a private server?” These are supposedly the same emails she already handed over to the government and the same ones slated to be released in 2016.

Daunasia Yancey, the founder of Boston’s Black Lives Matter group, says during the 15-minute event with Clinton in New Hampshire, she was encouraged to hear Hillary say that “there are policies that she has been a part of promoting that have not worked” when it comes to the war on drugs.

“This was a voluntary turnover, and it was done without subpoena”, said attorney Barbara Wells, adding that she had been told that the company was not under investigation.

Clinton is enduring another major flare-up of her email scandal – which first broke back in March.

Throughout her presidential campaign, Clinton has denied sending or receiving classified information on her personal email system, telling reporters just last month, “I am confident that I never sent or received any information that was classified at the time it was sent and received”.

The campaign’s missive seemed aimed not only at making public Clinton’s side of the email story but also arming backers with talking points to defend her from further Republican attacks.

The FBI is investigating whether classified information was improperly sent via the server and stored there.

The development in the FBI inquiry came the same day that a top intelligence official whose office has been reviewing some of Clinton’s emails informed congressional leaders that top-secret information had been contained in two emails that traveled across the server.

For months, Republican lawmakers have demanded that Mrs Clinton relinquish the server for inspection by an independent party, which she said she was not willing to do.


“We will follow the facts wherever they lead, to include former aides and associates, as appropriate”, one official told McClatchy.

Hillary Clinton is one email away from jail Bobby Jindal    
        Bobby Jindal