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Hillary Clinton has released her tax return while criticising her opponent Donald Trump for failing to honour this tradition among American politicians running for president.


In 2015, the Clinton’s paid $3.24 million in federal income taxes, amounting to effective tax rate as 34%, according to the Clinton campaign.

The Clintons earned $21 million in 2007, as Hillary Clinton, then a US senator, was running for president.

Kaine and Holton had an adjusted gross income of $313,441 and paid a total of 25.6% in tax.

The real estate mogul’s campaign said that Clinton’s move to release her tax returns “is nothing more than an attempt at distraction and misdirection”.

The billionaire businessman has said he is not releasing his tax returns until the IRS finishes an audit of him.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks at a rally at Abraham Lincoln High School, in Des Moines, Iowa, Wednesday, Aug. 10, 2016.

Clinton and former president Bill Clinton have made their tax returns public every year dating back to 1977.

This latest presidential saga comes at a time when Trump is slipping in the polls.

In 2015, before she officially began her campaign and stopped giving speeches, she earned $1.5 million in speaking fees.

The release appeared to be aimed at drawing renewed attention to Donald Trump’s refusal to release his own tax records. They donated 9.8 percent of their adjusted gross income to charity.

Also look for Clinton to argue that Trump’s drive to cut taxes on certain business income would benefit many of his companies. Clinton’s camp has used this to question Trump’s wealth and whether he has financial information to hide, and the former Secretary of State is now trying to goad him into following her lead.

The power couple reported earning $10.7 million in income in 2015, and claimed a tax liability of $3.6 million.

Ahead of November’s election, the Clinton camp is seeking to undermine the trustworthiness of her Republican rival, Mr Trump.

“Here’s a pretty incredible fact: There is a non-zero chance that Donald Trump isn’t paying *any* taxes”, she tweeted.

He also earned more than $17 million over the same period for consulting work for Laureate Education, Inc., another for-profit education system based in Baltimore that makes most of its profits from overseas operations. This means that 30.6 percent of the couple’s income went to taxes, which is on par with the 32 percent they paid to taxes in 2014.


The Clinton campaign has put out eight years of Clinton’s returns, from 2007 to 2014. Their adjusted gross income that year – almost $21 million – dwarfs their 2015 earnings.

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