
Trump campaign doubles spending, not ground game

The leading super PAC backing Hillary Clinton, Priorities USA, reported Saturday it had almost $40 million in cash on hand, a staggering amount less than three months away from Election Day.


The latest figures show a large sum of the Trump July spending, about 45% of the total, went to the web design and digital marketing firm Giles-Parscale, while millions also went on air travel. Trump’s semi-apology set political pundits abuzz, but the most notable change in Trump’s rhetoric in recent weeks has really been his direct and repeated appeals towards African-Americans.

– Presidential campaign ads are one of those necessary evils we all have to deal with every four years.

Kellyanne Conway, Trump’s new campaign manager said that she will improve Trump’s campaign message.

Campaign manager Kellyanne Conway for U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump speaks to the media at Trump Tower in the Manhattan borough of NY, U.S., August 17, 2016.

“My family has grown to love all of the Trumps because they are wonderful people willing to sacrifice much for their country”.

Hillary Clinton’s campaign boosted its fundraising in July, building up its war chest even as it spent more money than the previous month, according to Federal Election Commission data released Saturday.

Trump has relied heavily on the Republican National Committee for conventional campaign infrastructure.

For perspective, in July 2012, Mitt Romney’s campaign reported $32.7 million in disbursements.

In all, his campaign brought in $37 million for the month.

Democratic candidate for president Hillary Clinton responded to her opponent within minutes, tweeting: “This is so ignorant it’s staggering”.

“I think the Clinton campaign lost an opportunity to have the vice-president be a Latino to really solidify that”.

Following the appointment of Steve Bannon as Donald Trump’s campaign CEO, it’s now struck sour note as the former campaign chairman Paul Manafort called his quits to his role. Hedge fund billionaire Robert Mercer, who contributed $2 million to a pro-Trump super political action committee in July, is an investor in Cambridge.

According to Falwell, the media depiction of Trump is also completely unfair, and the Republican nominee is a kind-hearted and generous candidate with “bold leadership qualities”. That’s about the same amount it had paid him each month while he was running the campaign. She took credit – and then blame- for writing Melania Trump’s speech at the Republican National Convention that included similar lines from Michelle Obama’s speech at the 2008 Democratic National Convention.


Out of time to build a campaign to match Clinton’s, the team at Trump Tower will by necessity focus on a broad messaging effort to capture the attention of voters and try to highlight Clinton’s shortcomings.

37 states now offer some form of early voting. WBUR pollster Steve Koczela says that means time is growing short for GOP nominee Donald Trump to catch up to Hillary Clinton