
Clinton dismisses Trump’s outreach to blacks

“If the Clinton Foundation continues to cash checks from foreign governments and other individuals seeking to ingratiate themselves with a President Hillary Clinton, it would be unacceptable”.


By contrast, Clinton’s campaign has spent more than $75 million on ads in the weeks since she effectively locked up the nomination in early June, according to Kantar Media’s political ad tracker. Her smiles are forced and she’s an elitist who thinks she’s above protocol. A day after narrowly defeating democratic candidate Sen. She has a lot of negatives herself. “To those I say the following: what do you have to lose by trying something new like Trump?”

In Conway, Trump gets a political operative with deep ties to Tea Party politics, a wide network of conservative influencers, and some establishment politicians, including Republican vice presidential nominee Mike Pence. For now, Trump finds himself behind Clinton in preference polls in almost every battleground state.

Whether or not this apology improves his favorability among voters remains to be seen, but Clinton is not exactly viewed as the ideal candidate by the American public either. “Detroit tops the list of most unsafe cities in terms of violent crime-these are the silenced victims whose stories are never told by Hillary Clinton, but victims whose suffering is no less real or permanent”, Trump said as he opened his speech. And campaign chairman Paul Manafort, a Washington insider who worked to fix and strengthen ties with Republican leaders, is out. Marco Rubio’s presidential campaign.

Spending on TV ads has plummeted 60 percent this cycle, compared to 2012, a blow to TV broadcasters, according to Bloomberg Politics.

Embattled campaign Chairman Paul Manafort resigned two days after Trump had promoted two new advisers to take over the campaign reins.

The real estate tycoon first began emphasizing many of these themes in an economic policy speech August 8 in the predominantly black city of Detroit.

Republican pollster Greg Strimple said that’s not just spin, arguing the “overarching national message of the campaign is not one that can unify the country, so I would focus on doing small events that have local flavor”. “O’Rourke, wrote in his unenthusiastic endorsement of Clinton, “(Clinton) is the second-worst thing that could happen to America.

Ohio Gov. John Kasich was beating her by as much as 12 points in April and May.

She’s keeping up the pace, heading this weekend to Martha’s Vineyard off the MA coast and to California next week. Trump, meanwhile, has made little effort to reach out to new voters or capitalize on Clinton’s vulnerabilities, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation director’s criticism of her email practices.

The robust fundraising is due to huge donations from Clinton supporters such as hedge fund founder S. Donald Sussman, who has given the group $11 million in all. Likewise, Singer is not a Trump backer.

Clinton took to Facebook to explain her own absence by saying that while her “heart breaks” for Louisiana, “right now the relief effort can’t afford any distractions”.

“This campaign has changed so often we are getting dizzy over it”.

Donald J. Trump For President Inc. and the Republican National Committee have a similar arrangement, but did not announce totals for the Trump Victory and Trump Make America Great Again committees. The question, then, is whether Bannon can find Trump some route to the White House by Trump being Trump.

Still, the pro-Trump groups still lag far behind their Clinton counterparts – a reflection of the reluctance of many GOP heavyweight donors to put their resources behind Trump.

Brown said that poor working people have an incentive to vote for Trump.

Yes, we know OH is industrial (there’s that “Rust Belt” thing, remember?), but we can show the base of Trump’s support with numbers.


“Clinton’s private polls show that Virginia is not even competitive, and she’s correct”, said Sabato.

File images taken from campaign ads for Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump