
Former US Secretary of State Powell brushes off Clinton over emails

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell alleged over the weekend that Hillary Clinton’s “people” have attempted to blame the controversial use of her own private email server during her own tenure as head of the State Department on him.


Clinton exclusively used a private email account for all state Department business and had a private server located at her house.

“If I was around Mr. Trump, Donald, who I know rather well, I would say you know Don, let’s see what happens”.

The FBI found almost 15,000 emails former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton never turned over to the government after she left office – despite her insistence she’d handed in all her work-related messages.

A 2009 dinner party – attended by former secretaries of state, including Madeline Albright – is supposed to be the place where Powell offered his advice ahead of Clinton’s appointment to that role, as detailed in an upcoming book, according to CNN.

The conversation revelation was part of the FBI’s notes that were given to Congress last week about the agency’s questioning in July that led Director James Comey not to pursue criminal charges against her over her use of private emails. Powell showed that he doesn’t want his reputation sullied by a secretary of state who willfully subverted the system for her own personal gain.

However, one distinction between Powell’s and Clinton’s misuse of personal email accounts is this: During his time as secretary of state, Powell sent just two correspondences that were retroactively marked as classified. Clinton’s additional use of a personal computer server at her home, however, broke State Department rules, an internal watchdog found.

Perjury is very hard to prove, but one thing has been clear for months now: Hillary Clinton can’t keep her story straight.

Federal Bureau of Investigation director James Comey recommended against any criminal charges to the Justice Department last month for Clinton over her use of a private email server while she was Secretary of State, but Comey did characterize Clinton’s behavior “extremely careless” in the handling of classified information.


They caught up with Powell at a fundraiser in the Hamptons, to the surprise of many.

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