
FBI Sends Clinton Probe Documents To Congress

A spokeswoman for the committee says the committee is reviewing documents that are labeled classified.


“The fact that portions of the FBI investigative file are heavily redacted and must be held and read by lawmakers in a secure facility on Capitol Hill shows how classified the material remains, despite claims made by the Clinton campaign”, Fox noted.

During her hearing last October at the House Select Committee on Benghazi, Clinton, now the Democratic presidential nominee for the 2016 USA presidential election, said there was nothing “marked classified on my emails, either sent or received”.

The officials, though, didn’t seem so concerned about the safeguarding of classified information when it was a housed on a private server owned by their boss, Hillary Clinton. They claim the FBI notes, which are typically kept confidential after an investigation is closed, may show Clinton provided inconsistent answers to questions about her handling of emails containing classified information during testimony past year before the House Benghazi panel. The move appears to be an end run around strict restrictions imposed by the FBI, which warned members of Congress not to leak documents from its investigation involving the Democratic presidential nominee. While her statements have afforded her room to wiggle, Clinton had repeatedly stated she believes the 55,000 pages of documents she turned over to the State Department in December 2014 included all of her work-related emails.

For its part, the FBI said it was “providing certain relevant materials” as part of its “commitment to transparency with respect to the FBI’s investigation of former Secretary of State Clinton’s use of a personal email server”, adding that “the material contains classified and other sensitive information and is being provided with the expectation it will not be disseminated or disclosed without FBI concurrence”.

The letter notes that Clinton testified that she had provided the State Department with copies of all of her work-related emails, contradicting Comey’s testimony before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee in July.

The State Department expressed concern that the documents might contain sensitive diplomatic information, and had asked to review them before the Federal Bureau of Investigation handed them over. The FBI has made public statements in describing its handling of the case, so sharing documents in support of those statements wherever appropriate would make sense.

“Although there may be other aspects of Secretary Clinton’s sworn testimony that are at odds with the FBI’s findings, her testimony in those four areas bears specific scrutiny in light of the facts and evidence”, they wrote. FBI Director James Comey said that while they found careless behavior they found no reason to charge anyone with a crime.

Yet because some sections are classified, access is restricted to the documents.


Sen. Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley the Senate received the FBI’s interview summaries from the investigation.

FBI gives US Congress investigation documents on Hillary Clinton's private email setup