
Clinton Picks up Key Iowa Endorsement on Way to the Fair

Interactions between candidates and voters are often unusual. Presidential candidates looking to test their message have stopped at the Iowa State Fair ever since the fair’s inception in 1854.


The former Maryland governor got applause on The Des Moines Register’s Political Soapbox stage for knocking Gov. Terry Branstad’s July veto of $55.7 million that legislators set aside for schools.

The endorsement kicks off a weekend of campaigning in Iowa, home of the nation’s first presidential caucuses.

Earlier this week Clinton criticized Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, a Republican presidential candidate, for his higher education record.

Clinton will be in the Hawkeye State on Friday and Saturday to campaign.

President Barack Obama at the Iowa State Fair.

Frequently ranked as one of the top events in the country, the Iowa State Fair is the single largest event in the state of Iowa and one of the oldest and largest agricultural and industrial expositions in the country.

Laudner said the celebrity real estate tycoon essentially has a second office, too, in the form of a blue bus emblazoned with “TRUMP” and his campaign slogan, “Make America Great Again”. About two-thirds of the people polled say they have not made up their mind about a candidate. She said, “It’s a family-friendly environment”.

Webb also touted his work in the U.S. Senate developing the post-9/11 GI Bill, and he decried the “deleterious” effect of big money on politics and elections.

Tom Harkin endorsed Hillary Clinton’s candidacy in a Des Moines Register op-ed published online Thursday night.

Still, it wasn’t all good news for the Democratic front runner: Vermont Independent Sen.

DES MOINES | Jim Webb pitched his bipartisan bona fides to the Iowa State Fair crowd.

Huckabee emphasized the need to expand the economy, and claimed that his proposal for a national sales tax, which he calls the “Fair Tax”, would produce 6 percent growth, an astonishing rate.

She talked about helping college students drowning in their school debt, nodded to the “Black lives matter” movement, and blasted the right for their latest attempts to defund Planned Parenthood – all while taunting the GOP for their fixation on Benghazi and her email scandal. Critics of Huckabee’s plan say it would be unfair to the poor.

Whether you’re a lifelong fairgoer or a day-tripping tourist, adventure and excitement are waiting for you at the 2015 Iowa State Fair.


Sampling the pork chop on a stick. Many candidates have already stepped up to the Soapbox, including Mike Huckabee and Martin O’Malley and, on Friday Jeb Bush, who not only shared his political positions but also revealed his weakness for fried Snickers.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton speaks during a campaign stop at River Valley Community College Tuesday Aug. 11 2015 in Claremont N.H