
Donald Trump Insists He’s Not Flip-Flopping on Immigration

Immigration experts on both ends of the political spectrum have long lamented the vagueness of Trump’s policy proposals.


On Sunday, Trump’s top advisers signaled some wiggle room.

When asked whether his immigration policies would include a deportation force, Conway said on CNN’s “State of the Union” that it was “to be determined”.

Krikorian said even immigration restrictionists like himself had never called for mass deportation of millions of people because “it’s just not going to happen”.

He has accused Mexican immigrants of being rapists and criminals, and he has vowed to build a wall on the US-Mexico border to keep them out. The campaign’s rolling out new TV ads to play in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Florida and North Carolina – states vital to a Trump victory.

This week, Trump is expected to deliver a policy speech on immigration, in keeping with a strategy of focusing on a specific theme each week to help keep him on message.

“I’m not flip flopping”, Trump said on Monday in an interview with Fox News. “We want to come up with something fair”.

The issue: what to do with the estimated 11 million immigrants already living in the United States illegally. “Well, I’m gonna do the same thing”, Trump said.

Today, Trump insists, “I’m not flip-flopping”.

“We’re dealing with people. It’s silly”, he said.

Sen. Tim Kaine on Monday attacked Donald Trump after a report raised questions about the size of the billionaire businessman’s debt and his ties to China, saying, “He’s got to start being straight with the American people”.

“People that are here unlawfully, came into the country against our laws, are subject to being removed”, Sessions said.

For the record, sigh, let me take a minute to unpack the stunning ignorance in that ostensible pitch for African-American votes, which Trump made Friday before a virtually all-white audience in MI. Now, he’s planning offer legalize some undocumented immigrants. We all know you can’t pick them up and ship them across – back across the border.

His position on illegal immigration, however, is different.

But BuzzFeed reported that Trump held a meeting Saturday with his new Hispanic advisory council in which he discussed finding a “human and efficient” manner to deal with immigration, according to sources.

According to pollster Frank Luntz’s latest focus group results, Republicans and Democrats alike did not react well as they viewed a clip of Hillary Clinton contending that she has “tried” to “level with the American people”.


Conway, who supported Trump rival Ted Cruz during the primaries, was named to her post this past week in a shake-up in which the campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, resigned and conservative media firebrand Stephen Bannon, who led Breitbart News, took over as campaign chief executive.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump gives a thumbs up as he leaves a campaign rally Friday Aug. 12 2016 in Altoona Pa