
Peaceful Ferguson Protest Disrupted by Hit-and-Run and Gunfire

Video has emerged showing a auto strike a person and subsequent gunfire during a protest to mark the two years since the fatal police shooting of unarmed teenager Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri.


Videos filmed by protesters show a fast auto hitting a man who had walked onto the street.

A witness claimed that the shots were targeting the white vehicle that hit the young man.

One woman is heard screaming multiple times, “Oh, my God”, and after the gunfire breaks out she exclaims that the “cops are just sitting over there”, despite the evident pandemonium.

Jeff Small, the spokesman for Ferguson stated that the police responded immediately to the gunshot but declared that there had been not victims. There is no word on the mans condition.

Graphic video provided to AP by Heather De Mian, who was at the scene and frequently livestreams protests in the St. Louis area, appeared to corroborate the witnesses’ account, showing a man hit and thrown several feet as bystanders shriek.

Other people at the scene took the protester to a local hospital for treatment.

Michael Brown Sr. holds his daughter Mikelle Brown, 3, during a memorial ceremony Tuesday Michael Brown Jr.

The 2014 death of Brown at the hands of Darren Wilson, a white Ferguson police officer, was the catalyst for the Black Lives Matter movement.

He resigned from the police force in November 2014.

The shooting led to a Justice Department investigation which found patterns of racial bias in Ferguson’s police department and court system.

Knowles, speaking with KMOX’s Mark Reardon, noted the irony of what protesters were saying before and after the shots were fired. The federal agency and the city agreed this year to make sweeping changes.


During Michael Brown death anniversary, the slain teen’s father made a speech during the memorial service. “This color is not a disease”.

Memorial Marks Anniversary Of Michael Brown Death