
GOP Primary Poll: Trump Down, Rubio and Carly Up Post-Debate

But key conservative institutions rallied around Fox. “There are just real lines of decency a person running for President should not cross, “wrote Erick Erickson, the site’s founder”.


While it’s important to note that the poll uses figures from March for comparison, it still shows the differences before and after the first debate for all the candidates.

Trump doesn’t fit neatly into the categories of established politicians – and again, some people take this as some sort of selling point.

From the opening of the debate, it was obvious that Fox News understood that Trump was the star and to satisfy the audience they wanted to demonstrate that he would be at the center of attention.

What will it take for Donald Trump to lose his Teflon coating? Inside Fox, this was alarming.

“This was the final straw for Roger”, according to a source close to the situation. “He’s upset that conservatives are mad at Fox”. He also called Ailes to complain, according to one of the sources. Both the Drudge Report and Breitbart Newscarried pro-Trump headlines. Trump tried to cut her off, insisting he’s only said those things about Rosie O’Donnell. It was a very conciliatory performance.

Fox News scored big because of the Trump factor.

Republican leaders acknowledged the need to improve the GOP’s standing among women, who constituted 53 percent of the national electorate in 2012 and have favored Democrats in every presidential election in the last quarter century. I didn’t think he registered a heartbeat in the debate. Despite the appeals, campaign spokeswoman Hope Hicks said Trump will continue to finance the campaign, but has “been overwhelmed by unsolicited contributions”. Rick Santorum have one percent each.

The Democratic candidates – and most of their 17 Republican opponents – are barnstorming the Hawkeye State this weekend, packing town hall events and organizing meetings around visits to the Iowa State Fair in Des Moines. He is more than prepared for the spotlight.

“If the Republican field were winnowed down to five or six candidates, Trump’s 17% probably wouldn’t be enough to win in Iowa, as polling indicates that his further growth has limitations”.

Trump barely seemed to sleep after the debate.

Trump’s refusal to pledge to support the eventual Republican nominee may have sown some doubts about his loyalty among party activists.

Trump can not be embarrassed, shamed, or otherwise brought to heel.

Trump is, to put it kindly, as one high-placed Fox source purposefully did, “a nontraditional candidate”. And finally, he made clear that his desired foursome with with Katy Perry, Taylor Swift and Nick Minaj was really about golf. He becomes a best-selling author. He ignited more controversy by suggesting afterward that Fox moderator Megyn Kelly treated him unfairly and “had blood coming out of whatever” during the debate.

Walker says he has faith in voters that they will not confuse him with Trump, the billionaire businessman. He won’t. But if he holds at 15 percent or 20 percent throughout the race, that will be a huge problem for the Republicans.

To be sure, numerous women interviewed were vehemently opposed to Trump’s behavior.

A CNN-ORC worldwide poll released Wednesday also shows Walker falling behind in Iowa, with Trump in first and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson pushing Walker in to third place. And it’s undoubtedly true that the Trump image, carefully cultivated through books and TV shows, has allowed him greater name recognition than any of his other GOP rivals. The assumption there, though, was that they could stop him.


That comment was seen as implying she had been menstruating during the debate, although Trump has repeatedly denied this and said he had been referring to her nose.

Fox News Created the Trump Monster