
Destiny: Rise of Iron New Gameplay

If you have even a little bit of Destiny lore nerd in you, the chance to see where and how those scraps were reforged from a symbol of loss into one of strength and defiance should be pretty exciting. It wasn’t until 2015’s The Taken King that Bungie managed to actually craft some compelling narrative, that focused on the faces that were already introduced in the vanilla version of the game that players finally started caring about these inhabitants of the Tower.


However, people have commented, like people always do, that the Rise of Iron expansion to Destiny only came into existence as Bungie didn’t want to keep this slot unoccupied and devoid of content.

Forbes reports on this, feeling that private matchmaking won’t make Destiny an eSport like other first-person shooters have become. This implies, of course, that if Destiny 2 had not been postponed, then Rise of Iron might never have been created.

Unsurprisingly Scott Taylor thinks it will.

There is no doubt that many Rise of Iron gamers will be acquainted with Supremacy. During its Gamescom 2016 presentation, Bungie revealed that the game would sport new customization options in the coming “Destiny: Rise of Iron” DLC which include, among others, private player vs player matches.

“This is awful news, I paid the same amount of money on TTK as any PS4 player and now I will never experience the same level of content”, Reddit user Toland27 wrote.

Were Bungie, Sony, and Activision lying to Xbox owners this whole time?

It’s no secret that on release Destiny was seriously lacking in content.

As well as new weapons and armour the game adds a new zone to explore, new game modes, an extra raid and gives players the chance to set up private matches with friends online.

“We’ve been learning so much since the game was first developed”, he explains.

Just as they did a year ago with the “Legendary Edition”, Bungie will be releasing a special edition of Destiny that will package all of the game’s content together in one neat little package.


We’re not sure how much of the current content will be carried over to “Destiny 2”, if any.

Destiny Collection Available Next Month