
Caught on Cam: Man heroically rescues baby niece from wreck

Mr Kimbrell had been driving behind his sister, Destiny, when he says the brakes failed on Destiny’s vehicle and she crashed over the edge of a 30-metre cliff in North Alabama, in the US, early last week.


According to ABC News, Tyler Blake Kimbrall was following his sister’s auto in his own vehicle, when she went the wrong way and crashed. Kimbrall’s 11-month-old niece, Breleigh, was trapped in the auto. But Breleigh’s state was questionable.

The video begins as Tyler started desperately searching through the wreckage for his niece.

“She’s alive!” he says to his sister, before instructing her to call 911 immediately. By the time he got Breleigh out, firefighters arrived to the scene.

He is also heard thanking first responders for responding to the call.

Local reports claimed that the footage was only recorded as Tyler was using his phone as a torch.

He can then be heard telling his young niece, “Hold on sweetie, I got you”.

Now he is garnering national attention for his actions, including being featured on ABC’s Good Morning America Wednesday, but maintains he isn’t the one who is a hero.

Kimbrell adds that he’s happy the video is touching so many lives. “This is why she hasn’t been in any news interviews, despite popular demand”, Kimbrell wrote on the GoFundMe page.


Kimbrall tried flashing his lights and honking his horn, but Hollis didn’t notice, he said. She lost all of her, and baby Bree’s clothes in the crash, as well as her cellphone, and all other personal items that couldn’t be recovered.

Caught on video: Man can be heard praying as he frees niece from wreckage