
Hillary Clinton Mocks Trump on Jimmy Kimmel; Calls His Campaign ‘Wacky’

A senior executive at the Clinton Foundation left almost 150 messages for one of Hillary Clinton’s top aides at the State Department over a two-year period, according to newly released call logs.


In a four-way general election match-up, Clinton holds a five-point margin over Trump 43-38 per cent, while Libertarian Gary Johnson garners 11 per cent and Green Party candidate Jill Stein gets five per cent, it said. They must then respond with the chance the participant will vote for Clinton, Trump or another candidate, as well as whether they believe that Clinton, Trump or another candidate will win.

Another former secretary of state – Condoleezza Rice – has been drawn into the fray over who advised Hillary Clinton to use a private email server while she was America’s top diplomat.

During a foreign policy speech last Monday, Trump commented that Clinton “lacks the mental and physical stamina to take on ISIS”. “I do feel sometimes like this campaign has entered into an alternative universe”, she said.

“She doesn’t need to campaign”, Giuliani said on “Fox News Sunday”. “I was brought in a year ago to help start thinking through what the form would take if she was elected, and the president wanted to do it very carefully”.

In a weird twist of events, the true humor wasn’t found in the quotes (it’s really not amusing when you think about how someone who’d say these things is actually a real presidential candidate).

Clinton said he would resign from the board and would only accept contributions from USA citizens and independent charities if Hillary wins the White House.

Kimmel asked Clinton to open a jar of pickles as a test of her strength. “Judicial Watch, a conservative nonprofit group, sued for Clinton’s emails and released another batch Monday”, the Bee said.

The U.S. State Department has already reviewed some 30,068 emails from her 2009-2013 tenure and released a lot of them, amounting to some 55,000 pages.

Recently released emails have shown that donors to the Clinton foundation were able to contact members of Clinton’s inner circle with requests, but there is no direct evidence that Clinton’s staff at the State Department granted any favors. “These are far more serious questions than exist with a charity who pays the Clintons no money”.


Clinton, who said she was taking the preparation seriously, added that she knows she needs to be “prepared for, like, wacky stuff”.

Democratic presidential nominee former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton talks with Jimmy Kimmel on the set of Jimmy Kimmel Live on Aug. 22 2016