
The Latest Planned Parenthood Video: Did the Mothers Really Consent?

“Experiences like Holly O’Donnell’s show that Planned Parenthood’s abortion and baby parts business is not a safe place where vulnerable women can be cared for, but a harvesting ground for salable human ‘product, ‘” said CMP head David Daleiden.


The string of videos, which include undercover footage of Planned Parenthood clinics and executives, have unleashed a political controversy in Washington and in the 2016 presidential race.

During an appearance on Fox News’ “The O’Reilly Factor“, Carson said Sanger wrote about eugenics and she “was not enamored of black people“.

Planned Parenthood denied it has broken any laws and said it donates the tissue for medical research. “Maybe he forgot that he’d done the research on fetal tissue?”

“The co-workers I had, they would not consent the donors”, O’Donnell said in a video released earlier this week. Most conservatives believe aborting babies is killing babies whether PP execs are caught on video manipulating the acquisition of that tissue or not.

Termination of the agreements came after the Center for Medical Progress released its initial batch of secretly recorded videos showing Planned Parenthood officials describing how they provide aborted fetal tissue for medical research.

The same day, Trump said in an interview with Sean Hannity what he would do if he faced legislation to defund Planned Parenthood. Congressional Republicans have vowed to probe Planned Parenthood officials further following the August recess.

Carson still favors de-funding Planned Parenthood but would not call for stopping fetal tissue research if the tissue was available. “The abortion aspect of Planned Parenthood should not – absolutely should not – be funded”. “Written donor consent is required for any donation, including bone marrow, tissue of all types or blood”.

The company asked for and received an injunction on any more videos being released by the Center for Medical Progress, lasting several weeks.


“In fact Planned Parenthood does very few mammograms, just as one example, but what they do is a whole lot of abortions”, she continued. “If there was a higher gestation, and the technicians needed it, there were times when they would just take what they wanted“. If so, then fetal tissue and organs obtained by deliberately altering the fetus’ position in the womb, as discussed in the Planned Parenthood videos, in order to procure an “intact” specimen, should be irrelevant to the pathologist.

Students and facility staff enter the biomedical building at the University of California San Diego in San Diego California