
Obamacare Startup Latest to Pull Out of Health Care Markets

Yet the company, with its cartoon ads on NY subways and consumer-focused approach, has run into numerous same problems that have forced bigger, more experienced rivals like UnitedHealth Group Inc. and Aetna scale back from the Affordable Care Act’s exchanges as well. The analysis shows that there are five entire states now set to have one insurer, although our map also includes two more states because the plans for more carriers are not final. But most of the companies do offer discounts to buyers and if you are eligible for receiving these, you can lower your healthcare insurance premium. It could be a county, a zip code or a split between the two.


This analysis only takes into account the announced moves from the three companies that plan to roll back their offerings, so there is a chance some insurers may step in to the underserved markets.

Open enrollment under the Affordable Care Act begins on November 1.

Now with Aetna’s announcement that it will stop selling insurance in 11 of the 15 states where it has been active and will abandon previously announced expansions in five others, Obamacare supporters are anxious.

Health insurers spend lots of time, effort, and money trying to attract people who have high odds of staying healthy (the young and the fit) while doing whatever they can to fend off those who have high odds of getting sick (the older, infirm, and the unfit).

Hieb, author of “Surviving the Medical Meltdown: Your Guide to Living Through the Disaster of Obamacare”, said she does not know what the insurers were thinking when they supported Obamacare. Your physician is most likely in the midst of negotiations with various networks right now.

“Aetna’s extraordinarily profitable. In its second-quarter earnings just released a few weeks ago … it took in billion in revenue and it had overall profits of three-quarters of a billion dollars”.

One of the ways that healthcare reform was supposed to boost the economy was ending the phenomenon of “job lock”, whereby workers are scared of leaving a job for a potentially better opportunity out of fear of losing their health insurance. No insurer plans to sell coverage in Pinal Country, Arizona next year, according to a report from the Hill. “Congress and the Administration can choose to stabilize these markets and re-establish competition-but only through a consensus process that brings in a broader swatch of the uninsured”.

Check your subsidy qualification. The announced exchange withdrawals followed the government’s decision to go ahead with its suit. Your income and family circumstances can change from year to year, and that can affect whether or not you receive financial assistance.

While Aetna may be sustaining losses on the exchanges, it is thriving on government health care programs overall. They are rising for just about everybody. The three choices of plans you mention may be bad choices. If not, how much will you be paying for prescriptions?

All claim they’re not making enough money because too many people with serious health problems are using the Obamacare exchanges, and not enough healthy people are signing up. So the problem is not overall health care costs, the problem is the mix of people who sign up on the health care exchanges.


Look beyond the exchange. Last year, shoppers were shocked by higher premiums but many, if not most, saw only small increases once the tax credit was applied. “Any replacement of the ACA should provide everyone, even those with pre-existing conditions, access to affordable coverage of their choice; should be family focused and patient centered; should place ownership and control over health care plans with the patient; and should allow anyone who likes their current coverage to keep it”, Franks said.

Mitch Perry Report for 8.18.16 – The Affordable Care Act is getting less affordable