
John Krasinski loses cooking bet over Leonardo DiCaprio’s age

“We started shooting the movie when my daughter [Hazel] was 4-and-half-months-old, and I’ve got to say that, had I shot this five months before, that it would have been a totally different movie”, he said. It’s because he lost a bet about DiCaprio with his wife. “That cherub of a man – that cherub of a talent – can’t be more than 28, ‘” the Aloha star said. But if Krasinski was right, then his wife would allow him to play Call of Duty once a week. Blunt said yes (she was right), and therefore, at her request, Krasinski cooks every Sunday.


Sadly for John, he lost the bet seeing as the Revenant star is over 40-years-old (Leo is in fact 41).

“Cooking started as a Mother’s Day gift to Emily. You know, with the new Star Wars trailer out, I was like, ‘I’m not going to cook tonight'”. It only took me 36 years to learn how to cook for myself.

However, Krasinski also explained that he actually started cooking for Emily as a Mother’s day gift, and that is what impressed the Golden Globe-winning actress even more.

Appeared on USA talk show Jimmy Kimmel Live! on Monday night (22Aug16), John revealed he attempted to cook for his wife on Mother’s Day earlier this year (16), and she has been hounding him to play the chef more ever since.

He said: “I came to visit and they were doing the pre-records on “Into The Woods”, and I remember [director] Rob Marshall turning to me and he said, ‘It’s so great, ‘ and I said, ‘Yeah, I’ve never seen her sing’. You should do something else'”.


“I made one mean roast!”

John Krasinski Emily Blunt