
Trump goes on the offensive against Clinton Foundation

“This effort to shield Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation after more than a year of controversy is too little, too late”, Priebus said.


The call from two leading USA news organizations came as Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and other critics have upped their attacks against Clinton over the foundation and called for a special investigation in hopes of creating a rallying cry for fellow Republicans ahead of the November 8 US election. “But all of that creates a foundation for these allegations of, to – whether you have a pay to play scenario, and I think that it deserves investigation”.

Bono has been caught up in the furor over access to Hillary Clinton through the Clinton Foundation as more e-mails from Hillary’s private server become available after right-wing group Judicial Watch won permission to access them. He called it “a distorted portrayal of how often she crossed paths with individuals connected to charitable donations to the Clinton Foundation”.

“Unfortunately, the only appropriate action for our compromised Attorney General is to appoint a truly impartial Special Prosecutor”, Christie said, echoing calls from others in the Trump camp. “But now that they have admitted there is a problem, the Clinton Foundation should immediately cease accepting foreign donations and return every penny ever taken from other countries, several of which have atrocious human rights records and ties to terrorism”, he said. State Department spokesman Mark Toner said Tuesday night that there are no prohibitions against agency contacts with “political campaigns, nonprofits or foundations – including the Clinton Foundation”. He added that “meeting requests, recommendations and proposals come to the department through a variety of channels, both formal and informal”.

Clinton’s husband, former President Bill Clinton, founded the nonprofit almost two decades ago, and Hillary Clinton served on its board after her time as secretary of state ended. “This makes a mockery of her promise to Congress and the President to keep the Clinton Foundation and the State Department entirely separate”.

Big Clinton Foundation donors with no history of political giving to the Clintons also met or talked by phone with Hillary Clinton and top aides, AP’s review showed. Richard Lugar, a Republican from IN, questioned her at length about the foundation and potential conflicts of interest.


“This must be investigated before Americans vote for President”.

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