
Google pushing Wi-Fi Assistant feature to all Nexus users

Now, the Wi-Fi Assistant technology that automatically connects Project Fi subscribers to public Wi-Fi hotspots is coming to Nexus handsets regardless of the carrier being used.


Google said Tuesday that the Wi-Fi Assistant technology used as part of its Project Fi service to automatically and securely connect devices to free public Wi-Fi hotspots will be available to all Nexus device users, regardless of the cellular network they use for service. Once inside, enable “Wi-Fi Assistant” with the on/off switch.


Wi-Fi Assistant is off by default, but you can turn it on by going to Settings Google Networking. If your phone is connected via Wi-Fi Assistant, you’ll see a small key in the upper corner of your device. Wi-Fi Assistant is a way for Google to help users stay connected without having to deal with a awful cellular connection and also avoid racking up data usage every month. The icon is identical Android’s virtual private network (VPN) icon, but in this case it will indicate a connection to a free Wi-Fi network. Specifically, it’ll support Google-branded devices running Android Lollipop 5.1 and higher – a list which includes smartphones like the Nexus 4, 5, 6, 5x, and 6P, and tablets like the Nexus 7, 9, and 10. Google will even make sure that when on Wi-Fi, data is encrypted. There’s incentive now more than ever: in countries like France, Spain, and the United States, the cost of mobile phone ownership in 2014 was well above $30 per month, on average.

Google's Wi-Fi Assistant from Project Fi is coming to all Nexus phones*