
Donald Trump’s Campaign Manager Claims He’s Actually Winning Because Of ‘Undercover’ Voters

According to the results of the Reuters polls conducted during August 18-22 in all 50 states, about 45 percent of the voters are expected to support Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton while 33 percent would back Republican candidate Donald Trump.


In an interview with ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos on Sunday, Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway defended the candidate’s harsh words against people like Sen. “Donald Trump performs consistently better in online polling where a human being is not talking to another human being about what he or she may do in elections”, she continued.

She added, “It’s because it’s become socially desirable, if you’re a college educated person in the United States of America, to say that you’re against Donald Trump”. These voters, Conway reasoned, will click for Trump in online polls but are now reluctant to admit their political leanings to pollsters.

Conway went on to speak about the “hidden Trump vote”, confirming that the campaign allegedly knows exactly how large the percentage is of people planning to vote for Trump in private. “You think Mr. Trump is going to change on that”, Stephanopoulos inquired further.

As you can imagine, not everyone is buying Conway’s theory about “undercover Trump voters”.


Pressed on how big that hidden vote is, Conway said she “can’t discuss it”. Ted CruzTed CruzConway, Kelly clash over Trump’s use of personal insults Top aide: Trump “doesn’t hurl personal insults” New Trump campaign manager called on him to release tax returns in April MORE (R-Texas), criticized Trump earlier this year for doing just that and using “vulgar” language.

Sen. Marco Rubio R-Fla. speaks to media outside his office on Capitol Hill in Washington. A key question looms for vulnerable Republican senators this election season If Donald Trump loses and loses big can they