
Trump pitches ideological screening for immigrants

Republican Senator Jeff Sessions, a senior policy adviser to Trump, described Trump’s strategy as “foreign policy realism”, while Democratic Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid said Trump should take a United States naturalisation test himself as he prepares to propose new political hurdles for immigrants coming to the country. These are problems like we have never had before. He added that until the new measures are put in place, immigration from countries affected by terrorism would be suspended.


“As he laid out in his Orlando remarks, Mr. Trump will describe the need to temporarily suspend visa issuances to geographic regions with a history of exporting terrorism and where adequate checks and background vetting can not occur”, Miller said.

“In the old days, when we won a war, to the victor belonged the spoils”, Trump said.

As for tackling the Islamic State terror group and other major threats, the Republican nominee said that under his administration the USA would seek to partner with any country that is willing to join it in the fight against extremism. Trump wants to use the immigration system to keep out people who believe the tenets of radical Islamist ideology.

Trump suggested Monday that the US would work with its North Atlantic Treaty Organisation allies “to halt the spread of radical Islam” and all of the alliance’s actions should be focused around that goal.

Trump has since said he was being sarcastic in accusing Obama of founding the Islamic State.

“I also believe that we could find common ground with Russian Federation in a fight against ISIS”.

The GOP presidential nominee also used the speech in Youngstown to detail his vision for defeating Islamic terrorism around the world.

“We must shut down their access to this form of communication, and we must do it immediately”, he said.

He vowed to work “very closely” with Nato, sidestepping previous criticism of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation.

This Monday, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump claimed once again that President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State are to blame for allowing the development of ISIS. He referred to the nuclear rollback for sanctions relief deal with Iran. If he is elected, he said, he would ask the State Department and the Department of Homeland Security to identify regions where adequate screening is impossible, and stop processing visas from those areas.

Following those remarks, Philippine congressman Joey Salceda introduced a bill proposing to ban the real estate mogul from the Philippines, while Fil-Am California Assemblymember Rob Bonta said Trump is “unfit to serve as president”. Beyond that, we admit hundreds of thousands of temporary workers and visitors from the same regions.

“He might be trying to package it and make it prettier, but this is a guy who has proposed to treat Muslims as second-class citizens”, Kaine said. Mr. Trump said an administration led by him would set up a Commission on Radical Islam “to expose the networks in our society that support radicalisation”.

“Anything that the Federal Bureau of Investigation gives to Congress they should get to the public”, Kaine said.


-Keeping Guantanamo Bay where suspect terrorists are held open.

Harry Reid: Trump is 'unpatriotic drain on society'