
Airline to weigh passengers before boarding to ensure ‘safety’

Uzbekistan Airways has announced a plan to weigh passengers before they board the plane in what it calls a safety precaution, according to Yahoo Travel.


“These policies in turn are subject to the rules and regulations of their national aviation regulator”, Flint said, emphasizing individual rules often set by different countries.

But it will mean some overweight people could be excluded from busy flights on smaller planes if weight limits are exceeded.

Samoan Air became the world’s first airline to charge passengers according to their weight in 2013.

Uzbekistan Airways is cracking down on excess baggage. It is sometimes used for internal or regional flights by tour operators offering “Silk Road” and central Asia tours.

Uzbekistan Airways will begin weighing its passengers, as well as their carry-on bags. The airline uses smaller aircrafts.

‘The weighing record will only contain the corresponding passenger category (i.e. male/ female/ children).

As if flying wasn’t already bad enough, an airline has decided to make the experience even more terrible by requiring passengers to be weighed before boarding.

Passengers will be asked to proceed through a weighing machine in the departure gate zone.

The airline’s chief executive, Chris Langton, said: “Planes are run by weight and not by seat, and travellers should be educated on this important issue”.


The Uzbek airline did not give any reason for the new procedure, but did cite one rule from the global Air Transport Association (IATA): “Airlines are obliged to carry out the regular procedures of preflight control passengers weighing with hand baggage to observe requirements for ensuring flight safety”. As for the rest, the full confidentiality of results is guaranteed.

Split image of a plane and an overweight man