
There Could Be A ‘Softening’ Of My Mass Deportation Proposal

On Tuesday, Trump told an audience assembled by Fox News’s Sean Hannity that he would have a decision “very soon” on how to handle immigrants without documentation who have been in the country for a while and have no criminal record.


“Is there any part of the law that you might be able to change that would accommodate those people that contribute to society, have been law abiding, have kids here – would there be any room in your mind because I know you had a meeting this week with Hispanic leaders”, Hannity said. “We have some great, great people in this country”.

Pence’s response: “Donald Trump has been very clear from the beginning that we are going to secure our borders, build a wall to do it, and he’s also made very clear, Major, that he’s going to enforce the laws of this country, which the president of this country takes an oath of office to do”.

Watch above, via Fox News. A shift in position may expand the nominee’s appeal to more voters, but may also wind up hurting him with his most avid supporters.

At another point, Trump was pressed on whether he agreed with President Eisenhower, whose Operation Wetback, as O’Reilly said, “rounded them up” and “took them out”.

Now Trump has reportedly told members of his national Hispanic advisory council that he regretted some of his more hurtful comments about Hispanics and that, if elected, he wants to find a “humane and efficient” manner to deal with immigrants who are in the country illegally.

It was the latest example of Trump appearing to waver on his long-held stance he would deport all illegal immigrants back to their home countries.

Trump ticked off a series of statistics about crimes committed by some illegal immigrants and vowed that would be stopped under his presidency.

“We are going to follow the laws”, Trump said.

But his policies have been harshly criticized by Democrats and some Republicans, recent polls have shown him trailing Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, and last week, he shook up the leadership of his campaign, installing a new campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, and CEO, Steve Bannon.

Cruz can claim that he and not Trump is the purest opponent of illegal immigration.

“I think he’s saying the law needs to be looked at”, said Barbara Thomas, a Trump supporter from the Austin area. “Well, I’m gonna do the same thing”.

Conservative commentator Ann Coulter on Tuesday said the if Hillary ClintonHillary Rodham ClintonUSA Today: Close down Clinton Foundation Jill Stein helps Trump as Ralph Nader helped Bush Gary Johnson: Trump’s a fascist MORE wins the presidency, there will be “no hope” of Republicans winning another presidential election. We need to sift through the population and deport, for instance, the bad actors who have criminal convictions for violent crimes but not the housekeepers who mean no harm and simply want to provide for their children.

“What people don’t know is that Obama got tremendous numbers of people out of the country”.


“People who have run afoul of the law gotta leave immediately”, Pence said.

Donald Trump is wavering on support of mass deportations