
NC Governor launches anti-trans attack ad against Democrat opponent

Several factors contribute to Cooper’s ascendance: Independents have a slight preference for him over McCrory, while Cooper boasts higher favorability ratings than the incumbent governor. Republican incumbent Sen. Richard Burr was ahead of Democrat Deborah Ross by the same margin, 45%-43%.


The presidential race in North Carolina is also evenly split, with Hillary Clinton receiving 44 percent to Donald Trump’s 42 percent. Even better for Cooper: he’s pulling a majority, 52 percent, compared to McCrory’s 43 percent.

“Governor McCrory knows this is not about discrimination, money or politics”, Little continues. posted the 30-second campaign spot on Wednesday, which accuses Democratic NC Attorney General and gubernatorial candidate Roy Cooper of willfully endangering the state’s children by not upholding the so-called “bathroom bill”, H.B. 2.

70 percent of North Carolina voters say HB2 has hurt the state’s reputation across the county.

McCrory has staunchly defended HB2, but his support of the law could be hurting his reelection prospects.

Cooper has a 3-point lead in an average of the four most recent polls: Monmouth, Marist/Wall Street Joural/NBC, Public Policy Polling and Civitas Institute. Nine percent had no opinion.


Voters polled by Monmouth revealed they’re split on how good of a job they think the governor has done for state residents: Forty-five percent approved of the job McCrory has done, while 46 percent disapproved.

A new law allows SC CWP holders to cross into Georgia while carrying their weapons