
Trump suggests major shift on deportations

Before her interview, Clinton had largely ignored Trump’s criticism of the foundation, with campaign officials figuring her late-summer advantage gives her few incentives to personally push back against the email criticism or allegations of pay-for-play.


Clinton’s campaign said the AP analysis was flawed because it did not include in its calculations meetings with foreign diplomats or US government officials, and the meetings AP examined covered only the first half of Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state. Some adherents sometimes refer to themselves as “Europeanists” or “white nationalists”, rejecting the labels of racist and white supremacist. He says until Mexico pays up, the USA will increase visa and border crossing fees, “impound all remittance payments” from immigrants here illegally, and possibly increase tariffs or cut foreign aid.

“We are going to enforce the law”, he says. Spencer this week tweeted: “Identifying as (hash) AltRight entails HUGE risk, as it’s a position explicitly forbidden by the system”. “Do we take him and the family and her and him or whatever and send him out?” The movement largely swirls in online message boards and websites, attracting mostly young people. Clinton also wants to expand those actions to immigrants who have contributed to their communities or faced “extreme labor violations”.

“I don’t think anybody would have truly expected this country to go to hell in a handbasket”, confessed Obama’s 2012 press secretary Ben LaBolt, ruminating on the prospect of a Romney victory.

“This is absurd. These are people I would be proud to meet with, as would any secretary of State would have been proud to meet with, to hear about their work and their insights”.

“This “alt-right” brand is embracing extremism and presenting a divisive and dystopian view of America which should concern all Americans, regardless of party”, the announcement for the event said. You receive a provisional work permit.

Gottfried says there are a lot of more moderate people in the movement as well. “She’s going to do nothing for African Americans”.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump will deliver a “post-primary unity speech” at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in downtown Phoenix next Wednesday afternoon, 12 News has confirmed with Trump campaign sources. “The Quarter Pounder with cheese”, Trump said at a CNN town hall in February, adding, “The other night I had Kentucky Fried Chicken”.

Despite repeated calls for mass deportations, Trump is now signaling he may make exceptions as it appears he may be looking for a way out of rounding up almost 11 million undocumented immigrants.

Also a problem for Hillary: the alt-right is more Internet savvy than her campaign, which has struggled to adapt to the Internet age in a variety of hilarious ways, from emoji feedback to a sad, boring mobile game that allows users to win potted plants and sofa upgrades for a drab, second-floor campaign headquarters.

Trump also has retweeted a number of messages from Twitter users with questionable profiles, including one with the handle (at) WhiteGenocideTM.


“It is only now because she is running for president that the work of the Clinton foundation is being tarred”, spokesman Brian Fallon told MSNBC earlier in the day. He has accused Democrats of presiding over risky inner cities and not doing enough to pull African Americans out of poverty.

Flim-flam man