
Campaign manager points to ‘hidden Trump vote’

Donald Trump’s new campaign manager Kellyanne Conway on Sunday reversed her position that the GOP presidential nominee should release his tax returns while under audit.


“It’s become socially desirable, especially if you’re a college educated person in the United States of America, to say that you’re against Donald Trump”, Conway said.

True to Trump form, Conway is attempting to propel her boss’s reputation forward in the polls by making cryptic, weird statements. Conway answered affirmatively, but said she can not discuss it. She added of her method “that’s proprietary”. “We appreciate seeing both plans and who will give people relief”, she said. Conway’s argument is that something fundamentally similar is happening in the USA in 2016.

Polling suggested the United Kingdom would remain in the European Union, but it became clear on election night that the vote was going the other way.

When asked to further explain what she meant by “hidden Trump vote” in terms of numbers, Conway refused to oblige any details. That is despite repeatedly bashing the technology in the past, saying in August 2015: “I say we should outlaw teleprompters … for anybody running for president”.

Donald Trump’s campaign manager dismissed a daunting collection of recent polling that shows her candidate trailing, arguing that there is a “hidden Trump vote” not captured in polls that will be decisive come Election Day – and that the campaign has secret internal numbers to back it up.


“Have you been able to put a number on” those particular voters, asked Matt Frei, the interviewer. “I call it the ‘undercover Trump voter, ‘ but it’s real and I think that if you go around this country and you talk to people, you see it’s real as well”.

Trump wants to know how you think he's doing