
Trump, aiming to widen support, makes pitch to Hispanics

His campaign insists his position is “exactly the same” in principle.


“We calculated the rent based on the average rent per square foot in the area”, the campaign said in a statement provided to CNN.

In a speech Monday in Akron, Ohio, to a mostly white audience, Trump said inner cities where many African American and Hispanic voters live are worse than war zones.

Trump had been scheduled to deliver a speech on the topic Thursday in Colorado, but it has since been postponed.

Donald Trump’s immigration policy and whether he’s softening or pivoting from hardline policies articulated early in his campaign have become a source of some debate in the last few days, since his meeting with Hispanic supporters Saturday. “Mexico is going to pay for the wall”.

Poor Conway had better get used to explaining what her candidate must have meant as opposed to what he actually said. Trump’s money makes up a tiny percentage of his campaign’s spending. Meanwhile, he doubled down on his own signature immigration plan.

The ad “Shirts” joins a previously released commercial “Some Place” in spotlighting Trump’s long history of making Trump-branded products outside of the USA, as part of an effort over the past month to contrast the 70-year-old tycoon’s hypocritical business record with Clinton’s agenda to “make the economy work for everyone, not just those at the top”.

His tune seems to have changed.

“I just get the feeling, we’re going to win in a landslide.”

Federal Election Commission records show the Trump campaign made a $423,371 payment in may for “facility rental” and “catering” in May. What about that deportation force? “They sort of redefined him to the point that a lot of the support that he thought he had, he began to realize was not there”, Williams said.

The Virginia senator also said that Clinton wants to make it easier for community banks and credit unions to finance start-ups and small businesses expansions. Since then, though, the numbers have declined to just 235,413 in the 2016 budget year.


Cuartas doesn’t think Trump will stick to only swing states. He said in the past he would remain “neutral” on the issue. Trump said the inner cities would improve under a Trump administration. Government figures, though, do not indicate that these immigrants commit violent crimes more frequently than legal residents do. “She doesn’t have the stamina to do it, even if she wanted to”. Clinton also wants to expand those actions to immigrants who have contributed to their communities or faced “extreme labor violations”. “He’s gonna do what a lot of people on Capitol Hill have been talking about for more than a decade – and that is upholding the laws of this country and enforcing the laws of this country”. The courts have put the more recent actions on hold. Period. But, as with other pronouncements, Trump has managed to overreach and say ridiculous things that infect what would otherwise be a sound proposition. In March, Clinton said increased border security staffing, new fencing and lower immigration rates have lessened the problem. Give us four years.

Trump hikes rent on his own campaign office in Trump Tower